Why Journaling Brings Well-being

Why journaling brings well-being

When you walk down the street on a daily basis or ride the subway in a big city, you just look at people’s faces and you see the stress shifting from one side to the other without stopping. It seems they have a destination for this morning and nothing else matters. Thus, smiles disappear and hearts are paralyzed with daily routines.

But not everything has to be so obscure; you can find the light that is within you and express it through writing. Life is like a blank paper, it’s built up as we go along, and  writing a journal will help you make a segment of your thoughts and release your frustration in a healthy way.

Keeping a diary no matter how old you are, in addition to helping improve your handwriting, is a great emotional tool for managing your emotions  and feeling good about yourself and the world around you. But if you need a few more reasons to convince yourself how important this is, then continue reading this text and then choose a nice notebook and pen to make it your journal. You will definitely appreciate it!

stress will be a thing of the past

Keeping a journal will help you have balanced emotional well-being; you’ll be able to deal with the stress you may feel in your life and, furthermore, write down the little setbacks you experience day after day to get them out of your mind and look at them from another perspective that makes you look for better solutions.

woman with blue hair

A diary doesn’t just have to contain what happens to you in your daily life, it can be a place where you write about your worries, hopes or anything  you consider important. It can be a place where you can always show your emotions. What if you feel like writing poetry, quotes, mementos or songs? This is your journal, and you are free to write whatever comes out of your heart.

We live in a world full of stress, prisons, technologies that make us want everything fast and at the same moment… it’s time to stop, take a deep breath, close our eyes and look inside. Because only we are able to open the door for emotions to come out and can be expressed on paper. It takes tranquility to be able to connect with yourself.

You will improve your memory and remember everything more clearly

You can keep a journal to jot down things you want to remember, such as someone’s phone number, something you have to buy, important quotes that inspired you to have a good day, or anything else that helps balance your emotional well-being. .

Also,  if you keep the habit of writing in your journal, you will notice how your mind starts to flow more easily. You will feel more motivated to be able to write things that would otherwise be buried in your heart, and that could even take root.

Perhaps you prefer to write a sentence that comes to mind after having lived a specific experience and, as time goes by, you can feel the comfort of reading it again, noting that that moment was really pleasant. So  you can have the opportunity, after rereading your words, to regain that feeling.

read to come back to life

A diary will allow you to find yourself

When time goes by, it’s always interesting to re-read what you wrote some time ago, to see if you’ve evolved, to see if what was worrying you was resolved, and also to remember how you acted in the most difficult times.

So, on emotionally dark days when you feel like you’ve done nothing with your life, take a look back from your journal and allow yourself to reclaim good paths and big and difficult steps.

And last but not least,  writing a diary is a kind of “autotherapy” that will help you find yourself,  get to know yourself better, know what your feelings are and see if you really want to keep thinking like that. or if you prefer to change perspective and improve your emotional well-being.

Want to write a diary? Go ahead, let your emotions come to life on paper!

Text by María Jose Roldan

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