What Cigarette Smoke Prevents Us From Seeing

What cigarette smoke prevents us from seeing

Currently, many people are in the habit of smoking. Some of them are aware of the responsibility this entails, while others prefer to ignore its consequences.

You can list a number of medical reasons for giving up smoking, but chances are you’ve already read them and they won’t surprise you at all.

Smoking acts as a positive reinforcement (relieves the desire, ends the anguish) and as a negative reinforcement (removes you from situations in which you prefer to be oblivious).

In this article, we want to look at what psychological processes are reinforcing your smoking behavior, focusing on reinforcers, which we believe are totally related to what you intend to AVOID when you light up a cigarette.

what does the cigarette hide from us

Next, we will list some points that show that smoking is hiding part of your personality or what happens at times, and what cigarette smoke prevents you from clarifying, both physically and psychologically.

Let’s look at some of them:

– Cigarette smoke does not allow you to have your hands free. This indicates that you do not feel fully prepared to take control of your life or face any unforeseen situation with your whole body.

– Cigarette smoke does not allow you to look continuously at a person. It could be that in your way of smoking, with your evasive movements, you put up a protective barrier so that you don’t get more involved in the relationship with others.

– Cigarette smoke does not allow you to perform routines without it being present, so it is contaminating your concentration and intoxicating your moments of rest, even if you certainly think otherwise.

– Cigarette smoke does not allow you to see your loneliness. In your window, in your bed, in your office… It doesn’t allow you to be aware of how alone you are (negatively and positively), so you lose awareness of the moment in truth.

– Cigarette smoke does not allow you to contemplate. A sunset, your child’s first steps… you will always find yourself interrupted by lighting a cigarette.

– Tobacco smoke does not allow you to know when a food really pleases you or not; everything can look the same because it’s a flavor that mixes with everything.

– Cigarette smoke doesn’t allow you to bear frustration, doesn’t let you look at a calm map when you’re lost, doesn’t leave you patience enough to program what’s most and least important.

– Cigarette smoke does not allow you to have freedom of schedule. You have to wait to have a cigarette to do something, and you think even your productivity is tied to it.

What cigarette smoke prevents us from seeing

– Cigarette smoke does not allow you to make a program with peace of mind. You leave out of the desire to buy it, so you are leaving your psyche and yourself physically.

– Cigarette smoke does not allow you to show your full education, since by “necessity” you light a cigarette in any situation that is not right.

– Cigarette smoke does not allow you to run 8 kilometers, only 4, and the day is beautiful to exercise more.

– Cigarette smoke doesn’t let you see that your monthly expense can be replaced by gifts for the people you care about or a plane ticket.

– Cigarette smoke prevents you from smelling good, even having acquired a luxury perfume.

– Cigarette smoke does not allow you to see that you are wasting health, time and money.

Put out the cigarette and light new habits!

What cigarette smoke prevents us from seeing

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