Wall Color And Emotional Health

The color of the walls and emotional health

Walls are an element of construction, but they also have a symbolic value in our lives. The walls represent an obstacle in space and, metaphorically, remind us that everywhere there is an “up to here”, a limit.  In this article we will pay attention to the color of the walls and its influence on emotional health.

If you stop to think about it, you’ll find that almost all human beings spend a good part of their lives seeing walls around them. At home, in the office, in a hotel and in any building where we are.

The   physical environment , without a doubt, affects the way thought works  and the way emotions are organized.  Although it doesn’t look like it, the walls also speak to us.

The color

Colors and their emotional influence

Color perception is a largely subjective measure. In fact, colors don’t exist. They are formed in the brain from the decoding of the signals that light emits on objects. But in addition,  under certain emotional states, colors can be perceived in a different way.

Some forms of depression cause a person to see a kind of dark halo around everything they see. Other conditions, such as schizophrenia, cause the color of objects to be seen sparkling, glowing, or deformed.

Likewise, color generates sensations and induces certain emotional states. It is proved that  the color also  has health effects, activating or inhibiting the biochemical and emotional processes. Therefore, the color of the walls can have certain effects on people and their emotional health.

The color of the walls and its effects

The color of the walls is a factor that can help to stimulate or stabilize our  emotions .  Ideally, it would be possible to change the color of the walls relatively often, but as this is almost impossible, what can be done is not to use a homogeneous color.

Of the four walls of a room, two can be one color and two another. Or three of one color and one of another. Or each in a different color, if it’s possible to establish an aesthetic balance between them.

The alternative of having several colors at the same time can be pleasant and can influence the mood in a very positive way. Murals are also an interesting alternative, especially if they represent natural scenes such as green fields or the sea.

How the color of walls influences emotional health

Effects on emotions

Each color affects emotions differently. While some stimulate us, others calm us down. Let’s see the effects of the main colors on mood:

  • It is a neutral color that contributes light and a feeling of spaciousness to a room. The mood effect of white is one of tranquility and freshness. Facilitates concentration and allows walls to go unnoticed. It is suitable for those who are in a state of high emotional change.
  • It is a calming color that is used in many hospitals, precisely for this purpose. Green favors the expression of feelings of confidence and well-being. It is recommended to reduce anxiety and to reduce activity when it is excessive. In small spaces a very soft green should be used.
  • This color conveys the feeling of peace and harmony. The blue color  helps to harmonize relationships in spaces where there is a lot of conflict. It should be used sparingly, as too much leads to apathy and lack of appetite. It is recommended to lean towards a pastel blue or turquoise.
  • It is an energetic color that helps to overcome fears, fight depression and increase security. Yellow is particularly recommended for those who go through grieving processes   or suffer from melancholy. Yellow is ready to act and favors optimism. All shades are suitable.
  • Red. On walls, red should be used with great caution. Any excess in this color creates restlessness and stimulates the emergence of aggressive feelings. Red is stressful, so it’s best to include it only in small decorative elements  or on hallway walls or places where you don’t stay long.
    The Emotional Influence of Colors

Image credits: Pascal Campion and Art Exchange

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