Vitamin C Helps Reduce Stress

Vitamin C helps reduce stress. This is because it controls the level of cortisol in the blood and facilitates the production of serotonin and GABA.
Vitamin C helps reduce stress

According to several studies, vitamin C helps to reduce stress and even improve cognitive processes. She manages to do this, in the first place, by lowering the level of cortisol in the blood. At the same time, it also acts on the nervous system, as it favors the formation of myelin in neurons. In this way, it improves cell communication and thus optimizes processes such as memory.

In our day to day we almost always treat vitamin C as a key element to prevent colds and flu. However, it is noteworthy that this type of nutrient, by itself, does not save, cure or prevent diseases. Vitamin C helps prevent, strengthen defenses and promote a series of basic processes that can mediate our well-being.

It is an essential nutrient and as such must be present in our diet. However, it is also interesting to know that vitamin C helps to have a healthier brain. Let’s look at the data that supports this idea.

woman with high level of stress

Mechanisms By Which Vitamin C Helps Reduce Stress

A study by the Oregon Health and Science University found that when a person has a vitamin C deficiency, the GABA-like receptors stop working properly. We must consider that gamma-aminobutyric acid has very important functions within the central nervous system:

  • A low level of this neurotransmitter is associated with anxiety disorders, insomnia or depression.
  • On the other hand, having a high amount of GABA favors processes such as relaxation, concentration, memory, reduction of the sensation of fear or alertness, etc.

Dr. Henrique von Gersdorff, a scientist and co-author of the study, says it is likely that vitamin C plays a more important role in our brain than we previously believed.

In fact, it is also known that it favors the synthesis of several neurotransmitters, and that their presence is essential to transform dopamine into serotonin and that, in addition, it modulates the release of neurotransmitters in nerve cells.

cognitive processes

The brain needs vitamin C

Vitamin C helps reduce stress because it basically acts as a neuromodulator. So, and although we often hear that story that we must increase the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in order to have this essential nutrient, it is interesting to remember a curious aspect.

The part of our body that seems to need vitamin C the most is the brain. In fact, it was possible to prove that when the human body is deprived of vitamin C, this element remains in the brain longer than anywhere else in our body.

Science still does not understand how many processes and mechanisms vitamin C can mediate. However, there is a known process that has been demonstrated: vitamin C reduces the level of cortisol in the blood.

  • Studies, such as the one carried out by doctors Oliveira J, de Souza VV and Motta V, in 2015, showed that vitamin C helps to reduce stress and anxiety by regulating the production of this hormone (cortisol).
  • Furthermore, in that same study, it was possible to see how a group of students did better in memory and concentration tasks after a few months of increasing their vitamin C intake.
  • Vitamin C, moreover, is essential for collagen synthesis. Thanks to this element, the health and strength of teeth and bones are not the only benefits. We also improve the integrity and strength of blood vessels, which is essential for optimizing our cognitive processes.

How can we take care of our vitamin C levels?

As curious as it may seem, and according to experts, it is very common to have an insufficient level of vitamin C. We always think that without this essential element we are more likely to suffer from conditions such as colds or poor wound healing.

However, as we stated, the organ that seems to need most vitamin C is the brain. Without it, we will feel more exhausted. We will have problems with concentration as well as a greater sense of stress. At the same time, we must also remember that we need ascorbic acid (vitamin C) to improve iron absorption.

Vitamin C against stress

So let’s see what we should do to improve their levels.

  • The recommended daily intake of vitamin C is between 75 and 90 milligrams.
  • Instead of resorting to supplements, it is always better to follow a balanced diet, rich in the following foods:
    • Orange and lemon.
    • Mango.
    • Pomegranate.
    • Blackcurrant.
    • Guava.
    • Broccoli.
    • Red peppers.
    • Strawberry.

In conclusion, we already know that vitamin C helps to reduce stress. However, we must also not forget to improve our lifestyle habits. Avoiding cigarettes, playing sports and including relaxation techniques and anxiety and stress management in your daily life will also be of great help.

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