Viktor Frankl’s 9 Best Phrases To Reflect

There are life lessons we can learn from reading those who have experienced great adversity in life and yet have moved on. Victor Frankl is one such example. These are some of his best phrases.
The 9 best sentences by Viktor Frankl to reflect

Viktor Frankl’s sentences are great life lessons, words that fill us with hope when our world is permeated with gray and there seems to be no way out. And not just for all that they imply, but because they are the result of your life story and personal experiences.

Frankl was an Austrian psychiatrist, neurologist and philosopher, creator of logotherapy, who felt in his own skin the horrors of the holocaust, being a prisoner in several Nazi concentration camps. Based on this experience, he wrote The Man in Search of Meaning , his best-known book and the account of how he faced adversity.

Through his works, Viktor Frankl teaches us the importance of living with meaning and meaning and the need to transform ourselves when we cannot change the circumstances around us.

Without a doubt, Frankl is an example of resilience and resilience; he left a great legacy that we can remember with some of his best phrases.

Phrases by Viktor Frankl

The courage of tears in Viktor Frankl’s sentences

Crying is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign of courage. Tears carry with them the courage to express our emotions and the way we feel, to bring out what suffocates and holds us when words are not enough to express what overflows the soul.

They help us to vent, to communicate and tell others that we are hurting, that we are not well, and to show ourselves as we really are. Tears are a call to empathy and support from others.

The search for the meaning of life

For Viktor Frankl, the search for the meaning of life is its essence. When it is not found, power and pleasure are the main axes of behavioral motivation, govern people’s lives and, in turn, lead them to the absurd and the experience of existential emptiness.

This happens because the person transforms the search for happiness into an end in itself, and plunges into the spirals of pleasure that end up not filling their emptiness and being the patch that momentarily numbs their sufferings.

So, finding a purpose, discovering the meaning of our life, is truly transformative because everything changes, even our ability to face adversity. Having a “why”, it is possible to face all the “hows”, because any suffering becomes a challenge.

After his experience as a prisoner in concentration camps and the loss of his family, Viktor Frankl found his purpose: to help others find meaning and meaning in their lives and deal with emotional pain. And he did, as his entire focus revolves around the search for meaning.

The importance of not judging

This is one of Viktor Frankl’s phrases that we should keep in mind at all times. We tend to judge others almost every day. If someone doesn’t act the way we think or that seems right to us, we tend to criticize them without even trying to understand them.

We forget the personal story behind each one of us, the circumstances we are going through or everything we’ve lived through. And not only that, but in most cases we set ourselves up as an example of correct behavior or as owners of the truth.

The question is, are we so sure how we would act if we were in the other’s position? Besides, who are we to say what’s right or wrong? Are we better than others?

The power of attitude in Viktor Frankl’s sentences

These phrases by Viktor Frankl are among the best known. Many authors and professionals use them in their speeches, books and lectures to raise awareness about the importance of our attitude in the face of adversity and any circumstance.

We often insist on changing events and people, we want life to fit us and for everything to happen as we planned, but this is not possible. We have no control over almost anything, although we behave as if we do. However, we can choose our attitude towards life, and that no one can take us away.

Thus, we have the ability to change ourselves, to choose where we want to go and how to react; ultimately to decide.

the little things in life

love as truth

Of all Viktor Frankl’s phrases, these are the ones that bring the most depth and wisdom. Love as truth, goal and support of everything. In fact, self-transcendence is only possible for Frankl as someone gives himself over to something or someone close to him and forgets about himself.

As we see, these phrases do not leave anyone indifferent, they are real life lessons. These are words we can turn to if we really want to know each other for real, move on and not forget what’s important.

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