The Sunday Afternoon Angst

The Sunday afternoon anguish is due to the resumption of contact with obligations after the weekend. Know its effects.
the anguish of sunday afternoon

Sunday afternoon angst is a well-known phenomenon. It is an internal restlessness that usually arises on Sunday afternoons and evenings.

People who feel it report worry, sadness, nostalgia, and sometimes a very uncomfortable feeling of emptiness. And they can’t explain why.

Sunday afternoon marks the transition between the week that ends and the week that begins. It means getting back to facing the day-to-day obligations.

In addition, it also usually marks the end of rest and the beginning of a new cycle in which it is necessary to resume responsibilities and take care of everything that needs to be done.

For some people, the anguish of Sunday afternoon is so great that it causes insomnia. Between Sunday and Monday, these people find it difficult to fall asleep, and this increases their agitation.

It is also possible that they experience migraines, indigestion or physical feelings of malaise. Why does all this happen and how to face this situation? We will see.

The origins of Sunday afternoon angst

Sunday afternoon anxiety is also known as the Sunday syndrome. It is known that it happens to people of all countries, of all ages and of all social conditions.

This problem was first detected in 2006 by American psychologist Larina Kase. She has conducted extensive research on this subject at the University of Pennsylvania’s Center for the Study and Treatment of Anxiety.

Studies by Kase and other researchers who have investigated the matter have indicated that the main cause of Sunday afternoon angst is a certain degree of job dissatisfaction. Those who experience this problem have unresolved difficulties in their workplace or in their professional life.

Some people just don’t like the job they have. They don’t like what they do and, therefore, feel that the beginning of the week is the beginning of torture.

Others feel the anguish of Sunday afternoon due to the stresses they have in their work environment. They cannot live in harmony with their coworkers or their bosses. So when the week starts, the tension returns.

the anguish of sunday afternoon

Other frequent causes

There is also the case of people who doubt their own capacity for professional performance. They never know if they will get their tasks done on time or not.

They also don’t feel they can do their jobs correctly. Starting a new week is, therefore, renewing this feeling of insecurity and/or incompetence.

In addition, malaise can also appear in those who have no work. For these people, the beginning of the week represents another chapter in this uncertain struggle to get a new job.

It is precisely this uncertainty of not knowing whether they will succeed or not is what triggers Sunday afternoon’s anguish. After the weekend break, they have to face the harsh reality again.

Finally, there are also those people who cannot have adequate neglect. These are people who have a professional overload. Sometimes they need to devote their rest time to demanding activities, a second job, studying or taking care of the home.

It’s frustrating for them the arrival of Monday without having adequate rest over the weekend. On Sunday afternoon they can feel the weight of this lifestyle.

How to resolve these anxiety attacks

What happens, in fact, is that on Sunday afternoons we tend to face our reality more bluntly than at other times. Before our eyes, loneliness, frustrations and expectations, fulfilled or not, parade.

Therefore, many times, even without seeking this, we end up having a moment of introspection or trying to avoid it. That’s what at the end of the day is the heart of the anguish.

Woman reading a book and drinking tea

One thing that can help us deal better with Sunday afternoon angst is to follow these recommendations:

  • Organize everything related to Monday, preferably from Friday afternoon. This smoothes out the weekend transition. Thus, Sunday will not be dedicated exclusively to thinking about Monday.
  • Make the most of Sunday. No standing still. Sunday should be the day to do what we like most or activities that give us pleasure.
  • Choose a relaxing activity for the end of the day. A good book or a good movie helps us to deal with anguish better.

In any case, we must not forget that the way out does not lie in avoiding introspection when we have problems, but in realizing it deeply.

Sometimes we need professional help to digest and process these uncomfortable emotions. Sometimes you just need to adjust some aspects or make specific decisions.

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