The Story Of The Two Rats, A Tale Of The Superb

This tale about pride tells about the true path to happiness. Having more sometimes only serves to attract more problems, or simply to create the illusion of being above others when in fact we are not.
The story of the two rats, a tale about the superb

This tale of pride tells of two rats who were great friends even though they had very different personalities. One of them was serene, very affable and funny. The other, on the other hand, was quite ambitious and liked to show off to others. Despite this, the two loved each other and enjoyed the time they shared together.

One morning like any other, the most vain mouse arrived at his friend’s house. He was carrying a small bag of his belongings and had a different expression on his face. He came to say goodbye. I was tired of this place where no one was making progress. He wanted to go to the city to seek his fortune . He wasn’t made for a “so miserable” life.

The tale of pride says that the humble mouse felt a great sadness to see his friend leaving. However, he said goodbye, wishing her every success in the city. He also told her not to forget her friend and that he hoped to see him soon.

big city view

a happy meeting

A few months passed and each one of the rats went on with its life. When least expected, the city rat returned. The first thing he did was go to his friend’s  house  , but he didn’t have a friendly attitude. The two embraced, but soon the smug rat began to invade all communication with his complaints.

He said the humble mouse house was too narrow. It also pointed to the limited range of opportunities the place offered. As he said, in the city where he now lived there was  not  so much  poverty, but the opposite. Amenities were plentiful and food was not scarce. The humble rat looked at him with an open mouth. The landscape his friend was drawing seemed extraordinary to him.

According to this tale of pride, the city rat was dressed in a beautiful cape. He also placed a monocle over his eye, feeling it refine his appearance. The humble rat was a little embarrassed that he had nothing better to offer his friend. However, he felt that something was not right: why, if he was so happy now , was he still dissatisfied with everything?

A journey in the tale of the superb

The tale of pride took an unexpected turn when the humble mouse asked his friend to let him visit for a few days. He was very curious to know those great wonders that the other had deposited in his imagination. With a disdainful air, the city rat accepted. He would welcome him into town for a few days, to show him what was good.

The two left very early. When they arrived at the house where the city rat lived, his friend couldn’t believe it. It really was a gigantic mansion, everything was elegant. It had wonderful rugs and excellent furniture. The city rat said he hadn’t seen the best yet: the kitchen.

The other’s mouth watered. The two arrived in the kitchen and immediately the humble mouse smelled a piece of ham. Without thinking, he went to the place where the aroma emanated, but the other warned him. “ Stop! “, he said. “ Any rat in town knows that a piece of ham on the ground means only one thing: poison. Don’t eat, ” he added.

cheese and cold cuts

an end to reflect

The tale of pride says that the humble mouse thanked his friend for saving his life. Soon after, he saw that there was a fabulous piece of cheese near the fridge. He approached to try it on, but again his friend from town warned him. This piece of cheese was the bait of a trap. He shouldn’t eat it.

Desirous and hungry, the humble rat chose to stand still. The other was going to tell him something, but at that moment a cat jumped out of the window and the two rats had no choice but to run. The chase went on for a long time, until they found a small hole where they could hide. They stayed there all night, barely breathing.

The next day, they came out of hiding and the city mouse told his friend to go back to the kitchen. The humble rat refused. Now he understood why his friend was not happy despite living so abundantly. He understood that everything has a price, and the price of so much luxury was lack of tranquility and danger.

So he decided to go home. The tale of pride says the humble mouse has confirmed something he already knew: the true happiness is manifested in a simple life.

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