The Matching Principle Of ‘The Caibalion’

The correspondence principle of 'The Caibalion'

“What is above is like what is below, and what is below is like what is above” , says the correspondence principle of O Caibalion . This principle is probably the most popular of the seven Hermetic principles in The Caibalion . We speak of a document published in the year 1908 that claims to be the essence of the teachings of Hermes Trimegistus, according to legend, guide of Abraham. Apparently, such teachings date back to Ancient Egypt.

Each chapter of O Caibalion is devoted to one of its seven principles or axioms that are considered universal laws. This school of thought goes back thousands of years. However, the principles it describes can be very well applied to a modern setting. It is only necessary to read with an open mind, with the necessary disposition to understand the central essence of the axioms.

The principle of correspondence is the second of the seven Hermetic principles of The Caibalion . This principle expresses the idea that there is always a correspondence between the laws of phenomena of the various “planes” of being and life.

the correspondence principle

With this maxim, it is established that there is a harmony between the physical plane, the mental plane and the spiritual plane. Basically, this maxim means that everything, all planes of existence, are connected and in correspondence. The macrocosm is in the microcosm and vice versa: solar systems, societies and life on Earth reflect the same thing.

people looking at each other

What the correspondence principle of O Caibalion means in an everyday environment is that what we do at the micro level, we will do at the macro level. Even the smallest habits influence the grand scheme of our behavior. When doing anything, we will also do everything. If you neglect one area of ​​your life, chances are that the rest will also suffer from it. We speak of a butterfly effect on a vital level.

Your outer world is a reflection of your inner world

We can take the correspondence principle of The Caibalion even further .  Following the idea explained above, we can say that the outer world tends to reflect our inner world.

Thus, the thoughts and images that we have in our consciousness begin to manifest themselves, in many cases unconsciously, in our external circumstances. The mind accepts everything the way it is, it has difficulty distinguishing between illusion, faith and real substance. It magnetizes interpretation with fact and begins to recreate exactly what we focus on most.

The outside world reflects your internal panorama. Consider everything that’s going on and it’s good for you. Consider the beauty you see around you. Consider the joy, love, light and life around you. All of this would be a reflection of what exists within you. The same thing happens with what you consider bad. Therefore, unless you learn to face your own shadows, you will continue to see them in others, because the outside world is only a reflection of the world that is inside you.

man watching starry sky

The inner world is the cause, the outer world is the effect. To change the effect, you have to change the cause. If there is disorder and destruction in your outer world, that means there is disorder and destruction in your inner world. If there is little love in your outer world, chances are there isn’t much love in your inner world either.

The way to control your inner world is not to try to control the outer world. It does not work. The way to get lasting results in controlling the outer world is to start controlling the inner world.  Think that your inner world is where you have almost absolute power.

This process allows us to stop looking outside ourselves for unique reasons to explain what happens to us and instead look for answers. It is not always easy to accept and act on our problems, in order to heal the wounded parts within us.

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