The Einstellung Effect: The Difficulty Of Thinking Differently

The Einstellung effect shows us something to reflect on: our brain has difficulty thinking creatively when solving problems. We always use the same strategies, even if the conditions are different.
The Einstellung Effect: The Difficulty of Thinking Differently

The Einstellung effect is, above all, a cognitive trap that we all often fall into. It occurs, for example, when we try to solve a problem and, when we analyze it deeply and carefully, we assume that this challenge has no solution. We believe this because our brain reasons uncompromisingly and is unable to take on new perspectives.

To understand better, just raise a very common fact: imagine an expert in a particular area trying to solve a sudden challenge. He analyzes the issue, turns it around and looks at it from many perspectives.

Now, at a certain point, an ‘outsider’ arrives, observes the circumstances, and suddenly offers a magnificent solution. One he hadn’t even considered. What happened?

What happens in this type of situation is that we sometimes manifest what is known as “hyperspecialization” of knowledge. That is, we master a series of approaches, subjects and knowledge schemes without leaving room for other possibilities, without even questioning or exploring new perspectives through lateral thinking.

There is also a fact about which we must be clear: the Einstellung effect does not define a personality type. It’s a kind of mental strategy. It basically refers to a way of operating our brain, where it always tends to give the same kind of answers and solutions. It’s very difficult to innovate, to be original, and that’s certainly a big problem.

think different from the group

The Einstellung Effect: The Cognitive Shortcut That Blocks Our Mind

If I have my own strategies for working things out, why waste time trying other approaches? This phrase very well sums up the mental shortcut with which we face many of our problems.

In a way, we do it this way because the human being integrates a large number of preconceived ideas, those with which we “work” on a daily basis, those that save us time and give us a sense of effectiveness.

However, occasionally something happens. Things happen that put us to the test to demonstrate something very concrete: our prior knowledge often hinders the opportunity to apply more creative and original approaches. This is summarized in the classic idea that ‘the bad known is better than the good to know’ , demonstrating at the same time something very impressive: our brain works by habits.

He will always value what is stored in our experience more than the opportunity to improvise, to try other things. Therefore, it will always send the message “it’s always been done that way” rather than “let’s try and see what happens”.

Great experts are less creative (Einstellung effect)

The Einstellung effect was first described in 1942 by Dr. Abraham Luchins. He showed something that might catch our attention: the best experts in an area are sometimes the ones who least use creative and innovative thinking… How can this be?

When we have more experience in something, it’s harder to question ourselves. We settle into a kind of cognitive schema too rigid to trust our experiences.

This means that, sometimes, the presence of a “non-specialist” in this area of ​​knowledge is able to bring new and original ideas, adding a sudden value to our perspectives.

Something curious, but frequent.

Children's Creativity

Start with yourself: develop more flexible thinking

We’ve all heard about lateral thinking, the flexible mind, the value of creativity and the need to innovate. We know that it is necessary to make use and expression of these dimensions, that applying them to our work, lifestyle and thinking would significantly improve the well-being and even the progress of our society.

However, there is something we must admit: these changes are not always appreciated. In most workplaces, the most common is “let’s do the usual because it works”. This explains why the Einstellung effect is the constant that forces us to react to different problems with the usual solutions, thus preventing any progress.

What can we do? In fact, we could make several changes. Starting with ourselves is essential to encourage others, to create a more innovative, flexible and open reality. These would be some keys to ponder.

How to reduce the Einstellung effect?

  • When solving a problem, don’t get the first ideas that come to mind. Be able to widen the focus.
  • Cultivate and expand your knowledge. It is possible that you are an expert in certain areas, but delving into others will help you to take on a bigger horizon in terms of perspectives and also to relativize.
  • Control your mind’s reactions and avoid conformism. It’s very common for us to say things like “why try any other way if I know it works like this?” Such thoughts create the Einstellung effect. Let’s avoid it.
  • Dare to unlearn certain things to learn from other perspectives and approaches.
  • Listen to the people around you, observe perspectives opposite to yours, be encouraged to improvise, to train the creative muscle of your mind.
Combat the Einstellung effect

In conclusion, making use of a more open, flexible and original lateral approach takes time. We must re-educate our brain, invite it to stop clinging so much to preconceived ideas to approach the new and, thus, keep learning, keep growing.

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