Strength In The Face Of Adversity

The strength in the face of adversity

Life often puts us to the test. Even when she doesn’t, one of the things that scares us the most is thinking about adversity. How would you react in the face of adversity?  Just thinking about it makes us feel bad! However, we are actually  much stronger than we think. We all carry within our chest a brave being, who appears vigorous and can face adversity.

That’s why we can’t live in fear, always thinking “what if I lose my job… what if I lose this love… what if I lose a loved one… what if I get sick?”

Even if you don’t believe,  “After the storm always comes calm.” So, even though the first moments are really difficult, when we no longer have tears and we accept what life has done to us,  an inner strength (resilience) emerges  that protects us, helps us and makes us grow as people…

Every evil that happens to us has a positive part, even if we are not able to see it.

It may even be that you are going through something similar right now. Think, then, that you will get over it, that this will not bring you down, and that you will not always live “with this bad luck that haunts you.”

Life is made up of stages, there are moments, good and bad, happy and sad… because that’s how this trip is and that’s how we have to understand it: if one day it’s cloudy, even two or three, make sure the sun will return To shine.

Sometimes this star is a little lazy and tests our patience; other times he surprises us with his radiant light after a storm. In the end, it gets closer, little by little, until it floods us with its intense light.

So remember that within you there is a strength that you almost never count on, because you rarely need it.  Yes, even if you don’t believe it, even if you think you are a coward and that there is no strength inside you, it is there.

You carry a light inside you  that will help you through the bad times, stronger than ever, and that will surprise you more than you thought…

And when the storm passes, because it always does, life will surprise you again with another love, another soul friend that perhaps you would not have met along the way if it were otherwise, with a precious grandson or a unexpected journey that will fill you with aromas, flavors and new and wonderful landscapes…

overcome adversity

When you reflect on the bad thing that happened to you, think that you not only survived, but that you also gained grit and strength, so rejoice.

You will feel like that aspiring warrior who, in the end, managed to earn his armor and his helmet… and who is now no longer afraid… because you know that you have once overcome suffering and struggle, and now you know how defend yourself.

Fight and overcome adversity, like one of the gladiators of ancient Rome… but in this case, your muscles are inside you…

Something in your being breaks in many moments, but go ahead, fight, don’t let yourself win…

We hope this article will help you in the difficult times when we need to overcome the fear and evil that may come. May you enjoy the good times when you have them. Laugh, dance, dream, enjoy when you can… and make life a party when the good times arrive.

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