Stephen Hawking’s Best Quotes

Stephen Hawking was not just a brilliant mind from a scientific point of view, but also from a human and psychological perspective.
Stephen Hawking's best phrases

There are many wonderful phrases by Stephen Hawking, because one of the scientists who stood out the most during the 20th century was a brilliant, powerful and fighting mind. Furthermore, he was a revealing mind, concerned that his thoughts reach the specialized audience, but also the non-specialist.

When Hawking was diagnosed with ALS, doctors gave him a few months of life expectancy, a few years at most. However, his life turned into several decades of struggle in which he highlighted his desire to live, investigate and understand the physical laws that govern us.

Stephen Hawking phrases

Stephen Hawking was one of the most brilliant astrophysicists of the 20th and early 21st century. From his mind came the boldest theories about the Big Bang, black holes and the fate of the universe in which we live. But Hawking was not only recognized for his fantastic theories and daring research. In general, he was a man who had formed opinions on many subjects, such as religion, society and education.

Endowed with one of the most powerful weapons in the universe, the sense of humor, dozens of his phrases will remain forever to inspire future scientists of tomorrow and today. Below, we leave some sentences by Stephen Hawking that are a great stimulus for reflection. His genius, ingenuity and intelligence are demonstrated in them, as well as in all his work.

the immensity of the universe

the human being is special

What makes us special and different as human beings? It certainly is our reasoning ability. Thanks to the fact that we are able to think, research and ask questions, we can try to understand the universe, in addition to a series of social, emotional and vital phenomena that occur in it and that affect us directly or indirectly.


Often, when we make a mistake, we focus intensely on the negative side of failure, unaware that in imperfection there are valuable lessons that make us human and that we can learn and improve.

Human aggressiveness in Stephen Hawking’s sentences

One of Stephen Hawking’s greatest fears has always been the fear of self-destruction. As with the arrival of Europeans in America, the scientist feared the human tendency to aggressiveness and aggression, especially from the powerful over the less powerful.

Hawking has always warned of the danger humanity is in if it does not correct this tendency, which is certainly innate and necessary for thousands of years, but which is starting to become more and more dangerous as the weapons with which they attack are more and more powerful and destructive.

The perfection

For Hawking, striving for perfection was simply absurd. We live in an imperfect universe and we are children of that universe. So what’s the point of looking for something that doesn’t exist? Especially when it can become a source of anxiety or limitation.

The Liberty

Like other interesting 20th century minds such as Nelson Mandela, Stephen Hawking also achieved freedom. While he was confined to a wheelchair, just as Mandela had been in a cell for years, his mind flowed with full brilliance. There, no one could enter except him, because just the thought made him really free.

Stephen Hawking teaching

The importance of knowledge in Stephen Hawking’s sentences

Hawking was a person who sought knowledge throughout his life. When I answered a question, I asked another that had no answer and investigated. So he advised others. We live in a world full of questions, and as we try to answer them, they will give way to even more exciting ones. He defended, above all, human curiosity.

Such was the brilliance of one of the great minds of the 20th century. These phrases by Stephen Hawking define part of the thinking of a person who, although confined to a wheelchair from a very young age, has never stopped moving. He never stopped living, never thought that his limitations were an obstacle for the world to remain within his reach.

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