People Lacking Empathy And Uninterested In Others

People lacking empathy and disinterested in others 

There are people who are a light on our path and others who turn into a darkness that hinders our walk. Likewise, there are those who would do anything for us and others lacking empathy who would not lift a finger for our well-being.

The truth is that each of us relates in different ways in each context. Consequently, there are relationships that enrich our path and others that not so much. The latter can happen to people lacking empathy.

Have you ever noticed that there are people who don’t understand that you make mistakes? Have you ever had relationships with people who don’t care about your thoughts and feelings? These are people who lack empathy, people who don’t try to put themselves in someone else’s shoes.

Empathy is the ability to understand the other’s vision of reality by perceiving and being aware of their feelings. It turns out that there are people who do not have this quality, so let’s tell them what they are like, what disorders can be associated with them and how to relate to them.

Things people lacking empathy don’t do

People who are not interested in others cannot have certain attitudes, as they do not have the ability or interest to understand and perceive the feelings of others. There are cases of disinterested people who lack empathy, so let’s show you some things they don’t do next:

  • Worrying about you. These people don’t pay attention to you, either because they’re focused on themselves or because they don’t care what happens around them.
  • Raise awareness. Even if you tell them what you think and feel, they are not interested in noticing and understanding what is happening to you.
  • Trust. By not realizing what we think and feel, people lacking empathy do not feel safe in expecting something from us.
  • Believing in the feelings of others. People disinterested in others doubt the emotions of others. For this reason, they are cold to the people around them.
  • Have compassion. They don’t feel an urge to alleviate the pain or suffering of others.
people lacking empathy

If you keep these characteristics in mind, it will be easier to see who isn’t empathetic around you. Keep in mind that there are variations for each type of relationship; there are people who have little capacity for empathy, and others who have a lot.

Empathetic, selfish

People lacking empathy do not put themselves in someone else’s shoes. Thus, they neglect the feelings and thoughts of others. One of the most outstanding characteristics of the disinterested in others is selfishness.

In this way, those lacking in empathy can be very selfish, as they think about their own well-being and ignore the needs of others. So, they take advantage of situations to benefit. In this way, they take advantage of us.

Also, they push the fact that relationships have to be reciprocal to the limit, so they only give if they get something in return. They relate in a “utilitarian” way, making manipulation their way of life. 

Thus, those lacking in empathy can be cold people since, with them, we experience unpleasant situations in which we feel little understood because they only want their own well-being. These are unfriendly people who don’t connect with others. 

Disorders associated with those lacking empathy

We can all be lacking in empathy at some point in our lives. However, some people always have this characteristic. Some psychological disorders are closely related to a lack of empathy. Let’s talk about them here.

  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder.  These people are self-centered, have extreme self-concern and put others aside. The lack of empathy in this personality disorder is related to seeing nothing but themselves.
  • Psychopathy. It consists of people who cannot adapt to social norms and find it difficult to connect with others, which is why they are perceived as lacking in empathy.
  • Borderline Personality Disorder. The person tends to have emotional instability, so it is difficult to maintain stable relationships. It is more difficult to understand and predict how others feel.

When we make an effort to explain to these people how we feel and why their actions hurt us, they often don’t understand. They even manage to make us feel guilty, so they can turn around, insisting that we’re the ones who misbehave.

Be careful, lack of empathy can cause a lot of pain for those who are empathetic by nature, for those who really matter.

Woman suffering because of people lacking empathy

How to face those in need of empathy?

Not only is it very difficult for these people to understand others, but they also manipulate to get what they want. Here are some ideas on how to face these people:

  • Set limits. You are the one who decides how far these people can go with you, don’t let them go over your limit. 
  • Choose your friends well. If you think the person sees nothing but their own needs, don’t choose them. She will end up doing you harm.
  • Be assertive. Communicate what you want to say in the best way. Then what you feel will be clear. That way you won’t confuse a person lacking empathy with the difficulty of properly conveying what you want to say.
  • Walk away if there isn’t an emotional connection. If you find that there is no connection between your thoughts and feelings with the person, you may be facing someone lacking empathy.

However, extremes get us nowhere. Sometimes we can make a mistake and see only our own interests, which doesn’t mean we aren’t empathetic. The important thing is to know how to choose who is close to us  and in whom we place our trust, because that’s the only way we know who we can count on in difficult times.

People lacking empathy are truly disinterested in others. So, they are not able to get under our skin to understand what we feel and what we think. Also, they can’t see anything but their own world, so they stay in their comfort zone. 

Run away from people who go around the speech to make you feel guilty. What they do is try to use it to get what they want. So, they are controlling and cold people, who do not truly express what they feel, nor do they understand the situation you are going through.

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