Open Ending: The Ending Is Just A New Beginning

Open ending: the end is just a new beginning

I’ve always liked open-ended movies in cinema, television or literature. These endings are supposed to be a stimulus for imagining how the story will continue, and they also allow you to understand that this story has not completely ended. An extra chapter was simply written, closing a stage that could begin another. Endings to understand that an end is just another beginning.

Life is full of cycles that begin and end, so we will still live countless beginnings and endings. Some of them we will feel in our own flesh, they will be stages of our life; however, others will live through other people’s stories, whether they are real stories or not.

We will live in our own flesh the loves and dislikes, the approvals and failures in Science or Mathematics, the falls to learn to walk or ride a bicycle, the friendships we will make along the way and some that we will lose, etc. We will learn from other people in the surroundings through reports of their own experiences and, finally, we will also have the opportunity to learn from characters in cinema, television or literature.

woman reading covered by the ocean

The open end of a book

Once again, I close the cover and go from end to beginning, back to cover. To rediscover the story, look carefully at the illustration that accompanies the text, hold this book in my arms and remain a few minutes in silence, while my mind travels again through the words, pages, in short, the whole story. But I have to get back to reality, like it or not; it’s already over, that ending that always has a bittersweet flavor when you cling to a story and, in a silent way, the outcome of that narrative mixes with your life.

It doesn’t matter if these stories are told through movies, books or television series. Long or short stories, which can last for hours, days, months or even years. In any case, they all come to their end, to their dreaded and, at the same time, expected end.

Sometimes an open ending  that gives free rein to the imagination to continue with the story when there are no longer any scenes or formally written words. Sometimes it’s simply a sudden ending due to a TV series writers strike or a writer who wants to publish more books but is never satisfied. Or even an ending that doesn’t really feel like an ending, because after a fantastic story  the person running the plot doesn’t quite know how to finish it.

Sad or happy, endings that can’t even be defined, but endings nonetheless. Endings that mark nothing but new beginnings. The time has come to wake up, to say goodbye to this story that will remain in my memory and in my heart, and embark on new adventures.

When a book is closed, when a movie ends, when a series has run out of seasons, it’s time to learn about new stories and let other characters teach us how to dream and how to live. Like any ending, an ending is just another beginning, an opportunity to open up to the new, the unknown.

butterfly flying over the sea

An end is just another beginning

Facing the end of a passionate story is never easy. It’s not even easy when it comes to a fictional story, where we end up identifying with the characters. Therefore, we must accept that life is made up of cycles, and that each step has its moment.  When this stage comes to an end, there is no other remedy than accepting that from that point onwards there is no continuation and opening up to new opportunities.

Everything starts and ends, including life. Every living thing is born and dies. And during his life he faces different stages of growth and evolution. As human beings, from the moment we are conceived and Mom becomes pregnant, we begin to grow, so that we can be born, about nine months later, when the pregnancy comes to an end.

We will open our eyes to the world as babies and continue to grow, developing into children, from toddlers to teenagers, finally adults, and finally reaching old age. Each beginning of a new stage is linked to the end of the previous one. An end is just another beginning. Nothing else… and at the same time, all of this.

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