Love Of Animals, What Is This Madness?

Love to animals, what is this madness?

I already actively participated in the fight for the protection of animals, and at the time I heard some questions and statements like these: “So many children on the street and you feeding dogs!”

“Why are people who take care of stray animals all kind of crazy?”

“I think there’s nothing to do, you need to get a child”! “ Taking care of animals is something for needy people ”. These are the least aggressive phrases and I believe that only those who live connected to an NGO like I used to be, or who are independent protectors, know what I’m talking about.

I have often wondered why activists suffer so much criticism. What I noticed is that they usually come from people who are annoyed, but with little concern for what is not related to themselves, they are never militants for any cause and, despite criticizing our activity, they were never people who helped or children, neither elderly nor anyone. They just looked annoyed.

Nowadays, animal protection NGOs have an increasing representation in society. The new generations have become aware that they can live without eating meat, and some do not use anything of animal origin. I believe it is the human being evolving, if we compare the habits of our species in the Middle Ages, for example.

companion animals

But where does this love come from? Yes, love, and maybe that’s why it’s crazy. Love and madness go together (read the myth of Eros and Psyche). I believe that I don’t have to go on describing the immensity of my love for animals – whoever has allowed themselves to love and be loved by one of them knows what I’m talking about; whoever didn’t, it’s still time. The truth is that this love can bring us healing, peace, happiness and there is nothing more free than the affectionate relationship with an animal.

In addition to having already proved us to be great companions, animals help in healing in hospitals, in rehabilitation in hippotherapy centers, and show us that they can love freely, without charging almost anything in return, except for love itself. Even human beings who have not yet learned to love end up giving up when the relationship is with a pet – which, as the name says, is made to be cherished. It’s as if we were telling our brain: “I can like him”. There is no pain in the relationship with the animal, except the pain of loss, which is why many humans prefer it, especially those who have suffered some disappointment with the human race.

For us psychologists, the relationship and affection for animals only brings benefits. In general, children who grow up with pets develop relationships and communication skills with more skills, which has direct effects on their self-esteem. Animals become faithful companions and confidants, play and play partners, and enjoy their owners almost “without limits”. With their pets, children share joys and sorrows, fears, angers and heartaches, as well as their own thoughts. Besides, only the animals’ very texture (the fluffy fur that reminds them of that teddy bear they liked so much) is very warm.

animal affection

I think that both people and animals can gain a lot from harmonious coexistence. The most recent studies have shown that there are several benefits of companion animals for the general well-being, psychological and social development of people and quality of life.

Everything indicates that interaction with companion animals causes physiological, psychological and social results in people. For example, people with pets have fewer visits to doctors and lower expenses on medication. They also have lower levels of loneliness, depression and anxiety. It is also verified that pets work as social and integration facilitators for children, the elderly and people with disabilities. These are just a few results found in the hundreds of studies that have been carried out by psychologists, psychiatrists and physicians.

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