Life Is Not Predictable

life is not predictable

In life we ​​cannot predict most of the events that really surprise us. Even taking the precautions we deem necessary in our attitudes, or even when we feel prepared for the most complex situations, they, like magic, take us by surprise.

It is true that in many moments we receive alerts in life, by various means, from outside signals coming from people, events, or even our intuition that shows us a thread of risk, but because of overconfidence in our abilities, or because we consider that we are taking the due care, we end up faltering and we are faced with some of the surprises that are somewhat foreseen, which, despite their importance and annoying us or causing damage and suffering, do not take our ground so much compared to the ones we never imagined.

In these contexts are not just facts, but words we hear from those we never thought would say them, and so surprise us, which can be both pleasurable and deeply aggressive, which sometimes leave scars on the soul for a lifetime. There is also the expression of feelings, which similarly can leave us perplexed by their fury, indifference, or in the clouds for their beauty and spontaneity.

We insist, even though unconsciously on the illusion that we have control over life in all its fields, because we are well cared for with our health, well in our financial life, in our personal or professional relationship, as if everything were absolutely in our hands.

people's behavior is not predictable

We conclude, most of the time, that we have control over a person’s feelings by their attitudes towards us, or simply by overconfidence in the certainty that we are loved. We spend a large part of life making plans, trying to define what the future will be like with convictions that nothing will go wrong, because we are doing everything right from our point of view, even because life itself confuses us within everyday realities. We believe that we have to plan predictably for a future in which we don’t even know if we will be, but it is certain that we cannot ignore this preparation, no matter how small.

There is nothing wrong with making plans for the future within our expectations and desires, because the plans are part of a healthy life schedule, without which we have no horizons, but this is not the point I want to focus on, but rather in the false illusion that we have control over life, often seeking in material goods the power to control it at a touch of cash, without looking more zealously at values ​​that are immutable and that we need to work well in ourselves to get along better with the surprises of the path in our lives, in the awareness that it is not predictable by us, in its entirety. Human behavior itself is by no means predictable. We can imagine that when faced with a certain obstacle, we will behave, and when that happens, we act in a way that surprises ourselves, both positively and negatively.

nothing predictable

If we analyze that nothing happens in one hundred percent in our lives in all our ways, no matter how hard we try, we will see that this has a good side, as it leads us to learn to know ourselves better and deal with the surprises that arise. They can be good and bad, but we need to be more flexible with the bad ones, as they hurt our floor in a painful way. However, they do contribute to a better reflection and vision of life, and it is these unpredictable facts that somehow change the predictable route we traced to our history, giving us great opportunities for growth, if not material with certainty, spiritual or times even both if we can understand the lived experience.

It is the unpredictable events that awaken us to see life with a more real look, to question actions seeking changes in us and in the environment in which we live. Living without so many certainties in our predictions is trying to prepare to better deal with surprises, which are part of life, and everyone faces these facts at some point, regardless of who we are or where we are. In view of that, some unpredictable events we would like to remember forever, and there are those that, if possible, we would erase from memory.

For those who for a large part of their lives worked and built their assets in a predictable plan for the future, aiming at a mature age without worries, in the certainty that everything was done correctly, any event contrary to this becomes unacceptable, but no one is free from such a fact, nor having the absolute certainty that everything will turn out exactly as expected, within the measures taken.

There are some cases that happen completely out of control, where the unpredictability of life is proven. And this is one example among many others. Nobody will be full of optimism in the face of facts like this at first, but if there is an awareness that life is not under our control, we will know how to overcome ourselves by looking at ourselves as the greater good, and by experience we understand the greatness of living and growing with everything that in it we live.

And here is what we should have more zeal and attention in the trajectory of existence that is our time, the good feelings, the lessons learned, the peace of the soul, the gratitude for being here with so many opportunities to become better at everything, and the love for the beauty that life is, so that we can calmly pass through all the challenges and glories of life, and when the end of the road comes for each one of us in our moment, we can feel the greatest pride in having done and been the best example of life for someone very important in this scenario: “YOU”!!!.


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