Learn 5 Methods To Optimize Memory

Learn 5 Methods to Optimize Memory

Thanks to memory, we decode, store and retrieve information. So most of us would want to find ways to optimize memory. However, is it possible to find practical methods to increase our ability to recall information?

The answer to that question is yes! Research has revealed several strategies that can be used to develop superior memory, with all that that implies. Among the best methods to optimize memory, we find the keyword technique, the loci method, the phenomenon of specific coding, the organization of text material and the organization of annotations, among others. Let’s delve into this subject.

The Keyword Technique for Learning Other Languages

Imagine that you take classes in a different language. You need to learn long vocabulary lists to understand what you hear. One way to make this task easier is to employ the keyword technique.

Using the keyword technique, we relate an unknown word to a common word in the language we speak that has a similar sound. The word in Portuguese is called a keyword. Once a keyword has been established, it is necessary to form a mental image of it “interacting” graphically with the Portuguese translation.

woman studying

For example, you can think of a doctor examining a duck to remember the word “duck” or that when something hits your eye and you say “ouch” to remember the word “eye”. This technique produced far superior results in learning the vocabulary of foreign languages ​​than simple repetition.

The loci method for organizing speech

When ancient Greek speakers tried to memorize long speeches, they used the method of loci (loci means places in Latin) to organize the thought of what they were going to say. Using this technique, we assume that each part of the speech is located in a specific place within the construction.

For example, you might think that the preface to your talk is on your front doorstep. The most important topic would be in the room. The next theme, in the dining room and so on.

This technique can be easily adapted to learn word lists as well. Each word in the list would be located in a series of places in sequence. This method works best if extravagant images are employed.

The phenomenon of specific coding

Some researchers suggest that information is more easily retrieved in an environment the same or very similar to the one in which we memorize. This phenomenon, called “specific coding” was discovered by Thompson and Thompson in 1973.

Thus, you can do better on a test if you study in the same room where you will take the exam. On the other hand, the characteristics of the proof, such as the utterances through which the questions are asked, are sometimes so powerful that they far outweigh the more subtle techniques related to coding and the original storage of the material.

man stressed at work

The organization of text material to optimize memory

Most everyday memory tasks do not involve lists of words, but texts that have been read. So, how to facilitate the memorization of this type of material? A demonstrated technique to better memorize written material is to organize it in memory when it is first read.

For this, it is necessary to know the structure and content of the material, taking a general look at the content index, the most relevant aspects of the chapter, the subheads, etc. This must be done before reading a particular chapter. Understanding the structure of the material will make it easier to memorize it.

Another technique is to ask ourselves questions about the material we’ve just read and answer them later. Asking questions will allow us to make connections and discover relationships between the various specific facts. This will facilitate mental processing of written material.

Organizing notes to help memorize

“The less the better”. Perhaps this is the most appropriate recommendation for taking notes that will facilitate memorization. Rather than trying to transcribe all the details of a conference, it’s better to listen and think about the material. It’s best to write down the main points after you’ve considered them in a broader context.

person writing

When taking notes efficiently, it’s more important to think about material first than to write directly. This is one of the reasons why borrowing notes from someone else is not a good alternative. You will not have a frame of reference in memory to understand the notes.

As we’ve seen, these five techniques for optimizing memory can help you better fix knowledge and more easily retrieve information from memory. Try it!

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