I Have 20 Reasons To Like You

I have 20 reasons to like you

The perfect partner doesn’t exist, that’s true. But liking is respecting, admiring, being together in the good and the bad. If not, if they don’t love you the way you are, if they don’t support you, if they humiliate you, that’s not love and maybe you’re kidding yourself.

Therefore, the love relationship often follows self-esteem. When there is no self-love, we allow the other to overwhelm us, to make us feel bad… and that is not love.

How do you know if your partner really likes you?

20 reasons to love

1. Because we admire each other

When you love someone, you admire them. Admire your way of being, of acting with yourself and with others. He admires his way of seeing life, his hobbies… Admiring is loving.

2. Because we respect each other

When we love, we respect the opinions of others and value them. We respect your person. It is not a conflict to think differently.

3. Why do we suffer when we feel we’ve done harm to others

When we love a person, we suffer if we see that we have made a mistake with them. We are concerned and seek to repair the damage caused.

4. Because we forgive ourselves.

When we like each other, we know and we want to forgive. In love, not everything is rosy and sometimes the partner causes wounds in some way.

But the greatness is in knowing how to ask for forgiveness and in forgiving without rancor. Because love is strong and overcomes obstacles.


5. Because we complement each other

Because you give me what I lack. Because I’m nervous and you calm me down. Because I’m apprehensive and you relax me. Because you complement me and vice versa.

6. Because we don’t demand ourselves, we are free and we don’t own each other

Since we looked at each other, we chose as free and respectful as possible to be fellow travelers who want to travel on the same train. But each of us is an independent and complete person.

When we love we are not half oranges but full oranges, with their particular responsibilities that plan for a future together.

7. Because we keep surprising each other

A small unexpected gift, tickets to your favorite show, a text on your cell phone or a greeting with a smile. Small details that make a difference. All this feeds the love of a couple.

8. Because we learn to enjoy the different stages of love

When we love someone, we know how to enjoy every step of love. We no longer feel so dizzy, but we have an unparalleled complicity. Sometimes we go back to looking for the butterflies from the beginning… and then we go back to our beautiful routine.

9. Because we want to spend time together

When we have a relationship with another person, we like to spend time together and share moments full of experiences and feelings.

10. Why we help each other

“She knows this more than I do”, “He knows this better than I do”… When we need help we know that our partner will be willing to facilitate it.

11. Why don’t we forget even one day: how was your day today?

It is very important that the other person knows that we care about him and that each day the first thing we do when we meet is say “How was today?”

Caring for the other is critical to establishing our support.

Like you

12. Because we respect our spaces

Whenever we think about doing something, we include it, even if we also know how to respect the moments we need to be alone or in the company of others.

13. Because we demonstrate our love every day with small gestures

A wink, a kiss, a smile… are enough. A gesture can contain more than a thousand words. A gesture can be the silent symbol of our love.

14. Because we still fondly remember things from our past together

Time passed but we remember everything we lived together. All our victories and also our failures and difficulties, but always united.

15. Why we defend ourselves

When we like someone, we can’t stand for someone to hurt our partner in one way or another. We defend it “tooth and nail”.

16. Because it makes us feel good

When we love, we don’t want our partner to feel bad for some of our attitude and we try to make him feel happy by our side.

17. Because with one look we speak everything

When we look at our partner we know if he is sad, worried. When we look at our partner, we know how he feels, if he is uncomfortable or if he is really happy. Together we learn the language of the gaze.

Like you

18. Because there is still chemistry between us

Despite the passage of time and our changes, our partner remains attractive and we feel desire for him.

19. Because we are patient and generous

Love doesn’t continually demand. Love is giving and also receiving. We only love when we are able to make sacrifices for the other and we try to understand them, because it’s not my vision or yours, it’s a combination of both.

We love when we accept each other’s faults and the things we don’t like. When we are patient and do not intend to change someone or make them like us.

20. Because we are loyal, authentic and honest

We cannot like someone if we are not sincere and honest with them. Love has no big secrets from each other, at best little secrets that make us even more interesting. Being loyal, authentic, and honest is the foundation of our trust.

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