I Give You Wings To Fly Wherever You Want

I give you wings to fly wherever you want

If you’ve ever loved someone, you know that there are times when it’s time to let go, give wings and let them fly wherever they want. Or maybe you’ve been in situations where you have to let the person next to you fly so that they can be themselves, so that they can discover and explore the world that revolves around them.

These are situations in which we should feel proud for letting go of a person we really love or for letting them be themselves without restrictions, because loving is not possessing, it’s much more, it’s respecting, it’s helping, it’s being an accomplice, it’s desiring the better for the other person, even wanting to preserve her by your side.

learn to let go

What stands between us most and letting go of the person we love is our own ego. We think about ourselves, how we feel when that person leaves, not how he will feel if he doesn’t fly where he wants to go.

Letting go is something we need to learn over and over again. Because throughout our lives there will be many moments when it will be necessary to let go, even if the heart aches, even if an internal voice shouts no. It doesn’t matter, it is for our soul that we must ask: what is best for the other person? Letting her go or holding her for a completely selfish reason?

Learning to let someone go has a lot to do with our own self-esteem. If we know how to enjoy our solitude, we have our own spaces, hobbies and friends and, above all, if we really love the other person, we will not only let them go, we will help them to build their wings.

wings to fly

How to get rid of the ego to let the other go

Sometimes our egos dominate us, they don’t allow us to think about anything but ourselves. But it’s time to change and think about others, to allow each person to fly, and make their own wings if necessary. Below, we propose 3 pieces of advice to get rid of the ego:

don’t try to be right

There are many people who don’t listen when someone speaks to them, who just focus on being right without even considering the opinions of others or even letting them speak. But you need to differentiate yourself, don’t try to be right, there are many situations that can be seen from very different points of view and in which everyone can be right. Be tolerant and empathetic, just listen.

Free yourself from always wanting more

Our egos always ask for more, more attention, more money, more love, more time, more material things, but our job is to stop this possession anxiety and always ask ourselves this: What do I really need?

There are many that, if you stop to think about it, you’ll see that you don’t really need to, and sometimes that happens to people. We try to retain it when, in fact, we should let it fly and build its path.

Don’t get attached to your achievements

Sometimes we become obsessed with succeeding, without asking ourselves what success is. Your achievements are not you, they are different things. Don’t get attached to your achievements, go your way. Success isn’t about money or power, it’s about being surrounded by people who love us and enjoying those moments of intimacy.

If you love a person, you will understand that having them by your side is not an achievement, because a person is not a possession. It is about understanding that your achievement is that this person is happy and maybe that happiness is not on your side.

let the one you love fly

wings to fly

If a person you love has a dream, give them wings to make their dream come true, even if living that dream means moving away from you. It’s not about you, it’s about someone else’s happiness.

It’s complicated and you’re likely to suffer, but over time  you’ll find that you’ve grown and learned to see through the eyes of your loved one, and you’ve shown your deep love to them by giving them wings to fly.

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