How To Stay In Control When You’re Under Pressure

How to stay in control when you're under pressure

It’s not easy to maintain control when we’re under pressure. There are times when everything seems to conspire against us. Situations in which everything starts to go wrong are typical, but something still forces us to look for a way out so that everything goes well. How to keep control in these cases?

It is precisely at the moment when everything starts to fall out of planning that our capacity for self-control is put to the test. It is very easy to get carried away by anxiety, but this feeling or the like prevent us to think clearly and makes it virtually impossible to find a solution Efica z to the challenge we are facing.

We can learn how to maintain control in these moments. There are some strategies to prevent what was already bad from getting worse that can serve us very well. Such strategies are simple actions that are the difference between dealing with a situation and letting it get more complicated and end up in a terrible way.

Below, we’ll introduce some of these techniques that are very useful when chaos seems to take over and we don’t know how to maintain control.

How to maintain control under intense pressure?

1. Adapt your language

Language and thought are always united. One is made of the other. That’s why it’s so important to know how to adapt the language to different situations. This automatically shapes our thinking, which works in our favor.

To maintain control, it is necessary to describe what is happening to us as accurately and as realistically as possible. In other words, don’t give in to that exaggerated language we use when we’re distressed or anxious.

Some believe they are comforting themselves when they say “Why does this happen to me?” But this is far from the truth. Expressions like that only increase the internal discomfort. That’s why it’s essential to take care of the words we use and with which we structure our thoughts in times of intense pressure.

man talking

2. Adjust the body

Distressing situations cause a series of organic changes that affect the proper functioning of our body. Therefore, one of the strategies on how to maintain control when we are under a lot of pressure is to exert a modulation work on our body.

To do this, we first have to be familiar with how our bodies normally work. It is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​how our heart beats, or what our sweating is like and the feeling that usually occurs in our stomach. In this way, we can easily detect any modification. This awareness alone helps to return the organism to its normal state, especially if we accompany it with breathing exercises.

3. Activate positive thoughts

Maintaining control depends, in large part, on the perspective we take on the situation and the facts that put pressure on us. If we see everything as evidence of how unlucky we are, sooner or later the situation will look like great torture.

If, on the contrary, we think in a way or a little better, we will arrive at the idea that can save us from this spiral: every situation can teach us something. The task is precisely to discover that the positive we can find in each situation will relieve some of the pressure.

Let’s think that the easiest things don’t usually teach us much. On the contrary, the complicated episodes are the ones that move us forward the most. Sometimes they simply teach us to be more patient and test our ability to control.

woman happy with her choices

4. Design new paths

We may not allocate much resources to digest what we’re living through,  but it’s not just these big events that change our lives in some way; small everyday experiences also shape us.

When we get into the habit of taking a little time to analyze ourselves, we begin to realize how much critical situations teach us. It is also very possible that we will find reasons to increase the confidence we have in ourselves to face similar challenges.

Having done our homework in this sense is something that will certainly help us to deal differently – and better – with a situation of pressure or crisis. Internally, we know that we are facing something that can help us grow. We increase the capacity to be permeable to what events, even difficult ones, can teach us.

choose the right way

5. Compare yourself only constructively

When faced with a situation that puts our patience to the test, it’s a good idea to look again at past experiences. What we are talking about is making a constructive comparison and analysis, with the aim of applying what we have already learned in situations similar to this one.

This strategy is especially useful when we assess the situation as too difficult and our mind seeks this kind of escape, going blank. It can also be helpful when we feel we are very exhausted or experience a certain sense of powerlessness. Nothing better than taking advantage of what we learned yesterday to solve the problems we face today.

As we can see, all strategies for how to maintain control when we are under pressure are associated with our attitude, not with external facts. It’s up to us not to surrender all control to what threatens us, so that we can impose ourselves and look at the challenge as a constructive experience.

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