How Does Summer Affect Mood?

Does summer fill you with energy and happiness or does it make you angry and moody? Find out how this season affects your mood.
How does summer affect mood?

Each of us prefers a season of the year and a type of climate . There are those who love the winter, the cold and the rain; there are those who prefer the sun and mild temperatures. However, far beyond a simple preference, this distinction is sometimes based on the impact that environmental conditions have on our emotions. That’s why, today, we want to explain how summer affects mood.

As complex beings that we are, we are influenced on different levels. Our biology, our internal states and our behaviors change and adapt based on external conditions. Therefore, the experiences of each human being can be different. Below, we review the main scientific findings in this regard.

How does summer affect your mood?

Better fit to light-dark cycles

friends having fun in the summer

The preference for summer has a biological basis, and it was shown that the exposure to bright light has a beneficial effect on mood. Exposure to the sun improves our mood, while the absence of this environmental stimulus is related to the onset of depression.

For this reason, phototherapy is recognized as an effective treatment for this disorder and can be as effective as antidepressants. Exposure to light allows the suprachiasmatic nuclei to function properly and the internal clock to synchronize with natural light-dark cycles.

positive emotions

Sunlight exponentially multiplies the production of serotonin, a hormone intrinsically related to the feeling of happiness, relaxation and satisfaction. For this reason, during the summer we are more likely to experience these types of positive states, especially in those places where the differences between the seasons are very marked.

More intense social life

During the summer we have more free time for leisure and social relations. It is not only the time when many people take their annual vacation, but it is also common for companies to modify or shorten the working hours. Socially, we tend to spend more time on the street, interacting with friends and family.

Since our bonds with other human beings are necessary and beneficial, greater social contact often translates into greater subjective well-being. Also, reducing work pressures allows us to relax and disconnect, lowering stress levels.

Why do some people not feel good in summer?

sad woman in summer

Given the above data, one wonders how it is possible that summer is so unpleasant for some people. As we anticipated, the way summer affects the weather is not always positive. The arrival of the summer season, the prolonged sun and high temperatures can also cause complications and inconvenience.

For example, excessive heat can lead to worsening symptoms of euphoria and mania in people with bipolar disorder. In general, all people with psychological disorders are more likely to suffer from extreme temperatures.

However, the general population also faces difficulties. The stifling summer heat, constant sweating and the continuous work the body does to regulate the temperature can lead to increased irritability and aggressive behavior. It can also cause apathy, fatigue, discouragement and weakness.

Also, under these adverse conditions, falling asleep and getting adequate sleep can be a big challenge. Thus, insomnia and lack of a good night’s sleep affect people’s mood and cognitive abilities. Drowsiness, moodiness and difficulty concentrating are common.

Lastly, there are those who experience what is known as summer seasonal affective disorder. This is characterized by the appearance of feelings of sadness, melancholy and despondency with the arrival of summer. Although less common than seasonal winter depression, it affects about 10% of people.

How to act when summer affects your mood?

If you are one of the group of people negatively affected by heat, there are a number of steps you can take. Try to stay hydrated and avoid exposure to the sun during the hottest hours. Implement good sleep hygiene that allows you to improve your rest to reduce sleep deprivation symptoms, and acquire tools to control your emotions.

Meditation and breathing exercises can help reduce irritability and improve your mood. Whatever the case, try to take advantage of these months to reduce stress, rest and enjoy leisure opportunities.

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