How Can The Organization Improve Your Mood?

Keeping the organization around us is critical to feeling productive, efficient and healthy. The organization of the external environment, as well as our ideas, allows the mood to improve substantially.
How can the organization improve your mood?

Organization is often a guarantee of well-being and tranquility. With regard to planning, it allows the establishment of a hierarchy of priorities that allow coherent projections to be made in the long term. Maintaining the organization, not just externally, but especially internally, increases the chances of finding a more lasting and real state of satisfaction.

The idea of ​​keeping organized is essential when it comes to improving mood. Therefore, the ideal is to know how to do this, as it is not always simple.

It is important to emphasize its advantages, as they are many, and with simple steps you can start benefiting from them at work, at home, or in any other area where you want to apply it.

Néstor García Iturbe, in his article La importancia de mantener el orden ( The importance of maintaining order , in free translation), states that order should not only be our investment as individuals, but also socially.

How to manage to have organization in everyday life?

One of the advantages of organizing is that it allows us to free up mental resources that we can dedicate to other specific tasks (we don’t have to constantly think about what we’re going to do next), as the environment will feel much larger, as well as comfortable. The important thing is to know how to make the right decisions when organizing, as it will be necessary to establish which elements are important and which are not.

For this, the ideal is to reflect on whether these decisions are functional with the different tasks that are performed daily. From then on, the decision will not be difficult.

Organized clothes

So, throwing away anything that is useless or not functional in the trash is a great way to start freeing up physical space. In addition, it provides a sense of simplicity that will help when concentrating, whether for work, for thinking or even for resting.

An environment crammed with things not only incites chaos, it also prevents us from thinking clearly. On the other hand, seeing a minimalist, organized and clean environment leaves us room for new ideas, free of worries.

Definitely, chaos complicates life, whether personal or professional, because nothing works as it should. At home, it means not only living in an uncomfortable and unhealthy way, but also, if this situation is prolonged in time, it will cause psychological discomfort.

What are the advantages of living in an organized environment?

The human being, in Western culture, is used to organizing and classifying. Therefore, a difference in your way of perceiving the world represents a deep malaise, damaging your mood.

The chaotic state, in all its forms and in any sphere of life, is a trigger for anxiety and stress.  Let’s think, for example, that we urgently need to find a book in a library that has millions of copies that are not organized in any way or that follow an organization criterion that is not very useful for our search, such as the age of the author. . If so, what happens to our anxiety?

Organization in the clothes closet

In this way, cleanliness and order significantly reduce anxiety and, in addition, make thinking clearer. At the same time, organization is essential for a healthy life and even protects us against certain common diseases when our immune system is weakened.

Often, when the organization is established inside the home, it is possible to find elements that seemed to be lost, because the disorder hid them. Therefore, the ideal is to establish a daily organization to avoid any kind of setback during workdays, in which a loss can mean a domino effect that could have been perfectly avoided.

It is recommended to create habits of hygiene and organization from the first stages of life. Thus, they can be projected into adult life. Being efficient, resolute and decisive is the consequence of having a mind focused only on what is truly important.

In short, establishing an order of priorities is, in many cases, the first step that leads to success, tranquility and the wisdom of knowing how to distinguish in a chaotic, heterogeneous and, at times, fallacious world. That’s what really matter.

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