Forest Bath: An Antidote To Stress

Forest bath: an antidote to stress

Today, stress has turned into a silent enemy that lurks everywhere. Large cities produce large numbers of distressed people. Urban life causes stress simply by walking on a busy street. The bombardment of stimuli can be so great that anyone is stressed.

Our senses are also affected by stress. For example, it takes us longer to notice the smells of environmental pollution. The same goes for sounds. On any main street in a city, noise levels are so loud that you have to turn up the volume to speak and pay more attention to listen.

The same goes for the other senses. We close our eyes or look down so we don’t get confused. Worse, we don’t enjoy what we eat because we are always in a hurry and eat quickly. For some people, lunch breaks are a waste of time. What about touch, are we aware that we have become insensitive to touch and not explore our surroundings?

We give the word “rest” a wrong meaning. Many people think it’s doing nothing. So when we have time to ourselves, we waste it in front of the television, a video game, or a computer screen. In this way, we immerse ourselves in a reality far from us, and without realizing it, we become prisoners of stress.

Does nature help us fight stress?

The answer to this question is definitely yes. Contact with nature is among some medical recommendations to have a healthy life. Remember your country walks: you’ve probably noticed that once you’re out of town, everything changes. The smell, sounds and sights are different. The senses seem to awaken and we notice everything that goes unnoticed in our daily lives.

autumn leaves

But, in addition to getting in touch with nature, there is a very valuable technique for relieving stress: forest baths. This technique was born in Japan, a country with one of the most developed economies in the world. However, at the same time, it has high rates of suicide among adolescents and illnesses (including death) in the population, caused by overwork.

The technique consists of a re-encounter with nature, whether in a forest or in an open field. The idea is to relax, let go of the chaos where we are immersed every day and thus reduce the stress level so that we can deal with it in a healthier way. When we walk in a peaceful environment, we move away from various stimuli that generate anxiety.

The benefits of forest baths

The most important benefit of rainforest bathing is connecting with the universe through nature and removing stress. The forest baths (whose name in Japanese is Shinrin Yoku) offer other possibilities besides walking. You can, if you like, hug a tree and experience the benefits of exchanging your bad vibrations for the energy of the tree’s branches and trunk. Or have an aromatic herbal tea that contributes to your relaxation.


Nature helps you look at the world from another perspective. When you’re stressed, a part of your brain gets overloaded. Forest baths decrease brain activity related to decision making and problem solving. In contrast, they activate areas associated with emotions, pleasure and creativity.

To reduce stress through forest baths, you need to dedicate enough time. We cannot be in a hurry. Remember that you must enjoy the benefits offered by contact with nature. These are possible benefits if you pay attention to every step you take. Among other things, we can meditate while walking : just stay alert and keep your senses wide awake.

dark forest

Forest baths fill us with good energy and don’t cost money or effort. It is enough to open our mind and our heart, recognize that we are part of the universe. We all have a role, we are interconnected, and every decision we make affects our environment. If we want peace, health and spiritual growth, we need to start getting back in touch with nature.


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