Explanation Of The 7 Most Common Dreams

Explanation of the 7 most common dreams

“Dying, sleeping… maybe dreaming. Here’s the problem”


Dreams lead us to a state of unconsciousness where we are no longer our own masters. At the same time, we submerge ourselves in a dreamlike ocean where the islands of our most hidden worlds rise, the same collective unconscious that Gustav Jung spoke about.

We human beings feel the same fears and share the same sources of anxiety: fear of being abandoned by our partner, of not reaching our goals, of being hurt… all of this builds a series of parallels that each of us has in common , drawing, each night, the same oneiric painting. Would you like to know what conclusions some psychiatrists and psychologists have reached about these dreams?

1. Dreaming of a deceased

It is very common to lose a loved one and see them again in our dreams. Sometimes we can’t even talk to them, we only see them close to us, watching us, looking at us from afar. It is also possible that we can communicate with them, but it is always something brief and fleeting, although very intense.

The explanation comes from the emotional struggle we are going through, trying to take over and accept the loss, the absence. It is part of the process and of our own suffering that we no longer have a particular person in our lives.

2. Dreaming that we are being chased

This is, without a doubt, one of the most frequent nightmares. Walking around a certain place and suddenly being chased by someone or an animal. Scientists say this is due to a fear of confronting something, someone, or a situation.

What does that mean? Sometimes we fear facing certain things: such  as asking or demanding something from our bosses or our peers, revealing some information, or simply assuming a reality or facing a certain fact.

3. Dreaming that we are falling

Who never dreamed of this? To be sleeping, to be dreaming… and, suddenly, to feel that we have fallen into a void. A momentary anguish stops breathing and forces us to wake up violently, with a feeling of panic. The explanation for experts is very simple:  we are going  through a stressful situation and this anxiety, this nervousness, is transported to the dream world in this way.

4. Dreaming that we are stuck

Captured, trapped in a small, stifling place. A claustrophobic feeling that afflicts us at certain moments in our dreams. If this has ever happened to you, try to remember what your life was like at the time you had this dream.

Were you having problems at home or at work? Was some emotional problem troubling you?  Sometimes our routine and our obligations hold us back because of the pressure and its demands.

5. Dreaming that your relationship ends

Fear of loneliness . Simply. Fear of what is wanted will quickly disappear and that we will be left in absolute and painful loneliness. This is another dream that recurs throughout our lives.

6. Dreaming that teeth fall out or that we leave home naked

These are well-known dreams and both share the same explanation. According to experts, they are more common among young people and are related to a lack of self-esteem or self-assurance. We suddenly  feel vulnerable, we have a problem and we don’t know how to confront it  because we don’t have the resources, because we don’t trust ourselves to find a solution.

Fear of facing things, insecurity, indecision certainly, these are the dimensions associated with this very common dream picture.

7. Dreaming of natural disasters

Dreaming of a violent storm, with strong gusts of wind capable of destroying houses, with rough seas and even with burning forests. Terrible scenarios in which nature asks for help  and we find ourselves helpless. What is this due to?

Psychiatrists say this is a very clear example of anxiety. When our reality seems to overwhelm us,  little by little we feel small and helpless.

They imply nervous crises and emotional states, in which  the person feels very fragile and unable to face  everything that exists around him .  In case they are very frequent dreams, professionals recommend seeking help. This would be, perhaps, the most extreme case.

We should conclude by saying that it is normal to have any of these dreams throughout your life. The unconscious is related to everyday reality and is not exempt from being impregnated with our feelings, emotions and concerns.  Dreams are those beautifully surreal scenarios, full of hidden messages that we are not able to understand.

Something passionate, without a doubt.

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