Don’t Tear Yourself To Pieces To Keep Others Complete

Don't tear yourself to pieces to keep others complete

We often break into pieces to keep other people whole, so as not to open wounds or let those wounds that they already have donate to them. We do this without realizing it, or at least without giving it much importance.

When we get used to giving without receiving, we end up feeling that dedicating ourselves is something selfish, but nothing further from the truth. Exchange is essential in every relationship and every person needs it by being an emotional being.


When do we get to pieces?

  • We are torn to pieces when we fail to take care of ourselves.
  • We get torn to pieces when we avoid doing what we like.
  • We fall to pieces when we fail to cultivate our happiness or when we postpone our interests.
  • We break to pieces when we don’t listen to each other or give each other help.
  • We break to pieces when we prioritize the needs of others and don’t pay attention to our own.
  • When we want to be perfect and stop being ourselves.
  • When we try to please and make up our reality or our opinion.
  • When we forget what we need and force ourselves to pass the desires of others ahead of our needs.
  • When we turn sacrifice into obligation.
  • When we think we are bad people because we move away from an environment that makes us sick to breathe a sigh of relief.
  • When we give in to emotional blackmail and favors that impede our own growth.
  • When we sacrifice our well-being and let ourselves be carried away by the inertia of those who accompany us but delay us, leaving aside what pleases us to make others feel good.
scissors girl

Sometimes we must forget what we feel to remember what we deserve

When we do not have reciprocity, we are being aggressive with the principle of balance, which we must always maintain in order to be successful in keeping ourselves complete and not falling apart.

We must remember that affective relationships are not a mere interaction, but require a balanced and satisfying exchange that makes sense when placed in our social and affective balance.

Those who give everything in the first person, who offer themselves entirely to others, receive nothing in return and do not work on themselves, end up feeling empty and hurt. We cannot put aside our self-esteem to seek the happiness of others, as we end up being victims of our own attitude.


Only by playing with personal interests and the interests of others can we cultivate our own development without neglecting the other. That is, keeping the balance balanced, in a straight and perfect line.

Giving and receiving are parts of a whole. When achieved, this whole makes us feel capable of love and deserving of love and recognition. Based on this we should be able to:

  • Keeping our rights: it may be that at some point there is something that will not do us good or that we simply will not enjoy doing. At this point, we must assert our right to maintain our own space.
  • Cultivating our interests and hobbies: this is the basis for satisfaction, happiness and personal growth. It’s important that we don’t stop taking care of ourselves and giving food to our desires.

Remember that big changes always come with some difficulties. Even though the change is painful and uncomfortable, the gradual improvement will show you that far from being an end, it is the opportunity for the beginning of a great emotional moment.

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