Children Are Not Defined By Their Grades

Children are not defined by their grades

Society has nurtured hyper-parenthood or, at the same time, parents’ obsession for their children to achieve specific academic skills that will ensure a good career in the future. And we sometimes forget, as a society and as educators, that school grades do not define a child’s worth.

As a result, we end up neglecting life skills by not alleviating our efforts to prioritize academic results. Our children are little people who are defined not by their successes or failures, but rather by being themselves, unique by nature.

It’s easier to raise strong kids than to fix broken adults

To ensure child and adolescent well-being, it is necessary to psychologically strengthen children and prepare them to face the emotional and interpersonal difficulties that intrinsically accompany daily life.

Because, in the end,  life is not just what you read in fairy tales, and this is something that we should be very aware of in our children. Only in this way will we give our children the skills to minimize discomfort and prevent the psychological problems that arise from their own vital difficulties.

This will help them grow healthy and develop a healthy personality that focuses on well-being and quality of life. Thus, the bases of this same strengthening are established by 3 pillars:

  • Emotional balance.
  • Satisfactory interpersonal relationships.
  • Personal and professional development.

Childhood is a crucial stage for acquiring and developing psychological skills that allow for a favorable evolution of these three pillars of our well-being. However, as we mentioned earlier, as a society we prioritize the development of academic skills in our children, forgetting to help them think, feel and act in a more beneficial way.

Grades: the most important subject in your life is not math

The most important subject in our children’s lives is not math or science or foreign languages, but their ability to adapt to their surroundings, manage their relationships, their emotions and their thoughts. For this it is essential that education starts with us.

girl with a pot full of hearts

That is, if we want to help our children to manage their anger well, we can’t do that if we explode every time we don’t like something. In the same way, if we are not doing well, we will not educate properly. For example, we wo n’t get calm and motivation in our children if we have high levels of stress and frustration.

Not measuring affection is essential to transmit love to our children: excess affection is not desirable, one that comes after negative episodes of misconduct. It is not appropriate to reinforce the lack of motivation towards school tasks. In addition, it is important to highlight that:

  • It is appropriate to give physical affection: that is, hugs, kisses, caresses, looks…
  • We must praise children’s achievements correctly.
  • We must be willing to see and respond to children’s emotional needs.
  • We must provide a safe haven where the child feels our support.

It is essential that we take an interest in their motivations, interests and preferences. Still, it’s important to get involved in school and avoid intruding on children’s lives in a critical and challenging way.

But, of all things, we cannot define them based on school grades. They are not prepared or misguided, or good or bad, they are THEM in essence and with freedom.

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