A Tale Of Love At Christmas

a tale of love at christmas

I knew that night would be special, I had already felt and foreseen that something new was about to mark my life. So when I, from inside the store, saw his gaze in the window, I knew that this Christmas would be different from all the others. I don’t know why, my heart seemed to speak softly, almost a whisper that he was going to bring some light into my life.

Then he came in, smirking slightly, looking a little ironic almost telling me: it’s not mean, I know you looked at me too – but even so I played dumb. I changed sections and I think that even though I knew I was about to live a magical night, I wanted to run away, a little afraid of the usual failures, an inner voice that screamed: beware!!!

Suddenly I didn’t see you anymore and the contradictory ones that inhabit my being started a brief discussion: As you are scared and silly, you missed a great opportunity! The other voice said: it was better this way, no one deserves another story of pain and in the middle of Christmas then… Let it go!


It was then that in the middle of the moisturizer section, I was choosing presents, he appeared again and my heart felt an almost magnetic pull, and he asked: Would you like to win this one? I almost couldn’t answer, but what’s going on, I feel almost like a teenager. So I half-smiled, embarrassed and scared, and said: it’s a good choice!

We arrived at the cashier together and he invited me to have a coffee just around the corner, so I knocked down the blocks, silenced all the sentences ready to imprison me in fear of trying again and I went, or rather, we went. None of that felt real, things like that don’t happen in real life and especially in my life. But somehow, it was very real.

It was Christmas night, I was sad before entering the perfumery. I was alone, I wouldn’t have a supper and I only entered through that door because one of the voices that live in me said: buy something to cheer you up! What if we knew, before it happened, that happiness suddenly changes, that you walk through a door and change everything else forever.

If we could remember all the time that life surprises

That night I felt lonely and his company filled my moment with life. We went from coffee to a glass of wine, then a bottle, and we had so much to share, we were both alone, no supper, no family around, two strangers at Christmas, coffee to wine, sharing their lives as if they were old and old acquaintances, and I wonder if this encounter happened long before now.

The day dawned, there was no kiss and no love. The drunken laughter still echoed through the kitchen as he slept on the living room sofa. I stared at him for a few seconds before he woke up, looked me in the eye and asked if I wanted to spend the rest of Christmas with him. I still smile silly and passionate when I remember this story, even though this is the tenth Christmas after that special day with him. We continued our Christmases, now with supper and family at the table. That night was magical, unforgettable, and it transformed every other night and day that came after that first day for the rest of our lives.

Christmas in family

A tale of love in the middle of Christmas and life always surprises a heart willing to love, so make a place for love in the midst of all your fear and all your confusion. Let the surprises that round the corner catch up with you, after all, you never know which corner your hearts bump into. Enjoy and smile for luck, it awaits you right there, on the next corner.

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