Letting Go Is Accepting Your Story, Not Your Destiny

Letting go is accepting your story, not your destiny

There are people who appear in our lives as if by magic. They are wonderful coincidences of happiness, they are loves that don’t last, and you need to know how to let go, to live in balance…

Letting go is never easy. It takes courage and being fully convinced that “letting go” of this relationship, friendship or situation is vital for our balance and happiness.

Recognizing the need to close a cycle is already an act of maturity. However, the act of recognition is a very difficult and sad step; it’s like winning a personal duel.

Letting go, in most cases, is a reconstruction. We have to reflect on it and, often, start over “from scratch”.

But we also have to keep in mind that many people end up not accepting and properly treating the end of a cycle.

Some believe that ending a relationship is putting an end to life itself. After this goodbye and this separation there is nothing left. Letting go is the act of fate that closes the curtain on your emotional life.

We must beware of these types of self-defeating thoughts and attitudes. After an end, new paths and opportunities are opened to be happy as we wish.

Today, we invite you to reflect on that.

Keys to letting go with maturity and wisdom

At the beginning of the article, we talked about courage and conviction. However, the act of letting go integrates many more dimensions, many more personal strategies that are worth knowing.

the sun and the moon

1- You are the architect of your own destiny

We may have believed for a while that a certain person appeared in our life because fate wanted it that way.

In love, you must keep your feet on the ground, your heart open, and the wings of your personal growth spread wide. Affective relationships are not nourished by magic, but by daily well-being, commitment and enthusiasm.

2- Letting go is assuming your own needs

Don’t be afraid to say out loud that you have needs too. Nobody is selfish for asking for respect, for having the need to be listened to, loved and cared for.

Sometimes, when things are not going well, instead of becoming aware of our emotional suffering, we cling to certain aspects:

– To fear: fear of what will happen if I do or say that. Fear of being alone, fear of making mistakes, fear of change…

– We often think that it would be better to “wait a little longer”, because it is possible that things change, that the relationship improves… But time passes and none of that happens. Nothing changes.

Needs are part of our self-esteem, our personal growth and our well-being.

If you don’t perceive yourself as a complete and happy person, don’t destroy your integrity; react. Close this step… Let go.

to dream

3 . People don’t determine their end points, no one has the right to close their doors

They say that we always keep in our hearts the memory of that perfect friendship that we ended up losing or the love that hurt us so much, and that since then, we have changed inside.

It’s possible. However, none of these past events should mark the final points in our lives.

Just because someone has failed you in the past, you shouldn’t refuse to make new friends. And because someone has hurt you, you can’t let your heart turn to ice and fall into despair.

Focus on your here and now. Nobody owns their destiny, nobody has the right to put an end to the book of their life. Letting go is opening up a space to allow new and better things to come.

Always attend to the inside of your heart, for that is where the truth of your feelings lives. They are the ones you should listen to with maturity, balance, wisdom… And a lot of courage.

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