7 Phrases To Boost Self-esteem

7 phrases to boost self-esteem

We need to learn to value ourselves more, to identify all that is positive about us, what are our strengths and our best abilities if we want to have a full life. These self-esteem-boosting phrases act as a compass and point to where we should turn our gaze to strengthen self-love.

We know this is not an easy task. Many people give up on the first failed attempt because they believe that loving themselves takes too much effort and that they don’t have enough strength to face their demons. However, it’s worth it. Be your best friend and main lover, this will give us the opportunity to feel alive and happy.

Now, we know that one sentence by itself will not suddenly light the flame of self-love. However, they invite us to reflect. And from this exercise, we can learn profound and useful lessons. For this reason, we could say, without fear of making mistakes, that it is worth having “always at hand” some self-esteem phrases. They will remind us of the importance of treating each other with care and nurturing our self-love.

Phrases to increase self-esteem

hands holding pink heart

you deserve your love

This is one of the self-esteem phrases that we should have more present in our daily lives : we are worthy and deserving of affection.  We have a healthy obligation not to beg for love or accept crumbs.

Love nourishes us, especially our own love. It gives us strength, security, and allows us to love others. It is the foundation on which we must build our lives and our relationships. Those who build with love create foundations that are difficult to break. Now, most important of all is to be aware that we are entitled to receive it, both from others and from ourselves.

treat yourself well

We have a bad habit of criticizing and hurting ourselves with our words and evaluations. Judging yourself cruelly is easy, a habit for many people; but restoring the damage this does is not that simple. In fact, doing it continuously creates an ever-increasing and heavy spiral of pain and suffering. We act this way almost every day, and worst of all, without being aware of it.

It is impossible to have good self-esteem if we are criticizing and devaluing ourselves every day. With this phrase, Louise Hay offers us an alternative. This American writer and speaker bets on praise and positive language about yourself. Why not try?

We deserve to treat each other well, we deserve our own recognition. What’s wrong with telling ourselves everything we do well? Maybe we are not used to it, but for everything there is a first time.

Respect yourself to choose better

This is another phrase about self-esteem closely linked to the previous ones. Respect marks our future decisions. Sharing loyalty and being true to ourselves determines every act and every choice in our lives. Furthermore, how we respect ourselves will define how we will relate to those around us.

If you value and support yourself, you will increase the likelihood that others will treat you in the same way. On the other hand, if you don’t value yourself, treat yourself badly, then probably others will too. It’s a matter of prioritizing and loving yourself.

woman with eyes closed in front of a mirror

don’t depend on others to be happy

Your happiness does not depend on others. True happiness is an attitude and, as such, it comes from within. Therefore, we are the only ones responsible for how we feel, no matter how favorable the circumstances are for a certain emotional state.

Giving the key to our well-being to others is a mistake. We have the power to transform situations, even if we are not aware of it. It all starts with love and acceptance of yourself. If we don’t do it, no one will do it for us. Do not forget that.

wish to be yourself

Thousands of individuals dream of being other people. They fantasize, compare themselves with friends and think things like “if I had”, “if I were”…  Dreaming is not bad, but wasting your time is. Being yourself is wonderful and there are thousands of possibilities. People get so far away from themselves and become unhappy.

We are a limited edition: unique and imperfect, but valuable to ourselves. There is no one like you, and no one like me, and that is precisely what makes us special and different. The question is not to compare yourself with the other, but to discover yourself. We need to look inward to awaken our full potential and live authentically.

Value yourself before acting

Another one of the self-esteem boosting phrases that contains a profound message. Valuing yourself is the beginning of everything, the springboard for a full, happy and successful life. If we do not value ourselves, we will hardly be able to do everything we want and continue to evolve.

When we value ourselves, we know ourselves, we prioritize ourselves, and we take advantage of our time. We stop living in the automatic to do it consciously, and in this way we take control. Time is a valuable gift that we must not overlook.

woman facing the sunset

The opinion of others is not your reality

We are social beings and, as such, the opinion of others influences us a lot. We need to learn to differentiate between what we are and what others consider us to be, between what we want and what others want for us.

With good or bad intentions, the people around us will express their opinions about us, but they are just opinions. These are subjective realities that we don’t have to share or agree with, just respect, without getting into personal attacks with other people. The important thing for not losing control and putting yourself in a situation of risk is to know what we want, how we value ourselves and, above all, how to treat ourselves well.

Loving yourself is complicated because it involves not just knowing yourself deeply, but accepting and respecting yourself. These self-esteem phrases can help you take into account the most important aspects, but you are the one who has the power to start acting and change. Treat yourself with love, value your successes, and recognize that there are many things you do very well. Take care of yourself and please don’t forget yourself.

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