5 Considerations That Every Elderly Person Deserves

5 considerations that every elderly person deserves

Intolerance to old age and the elderly is another of the contemporary evils that have settled in the world gradually and without knowing when. From being a loving source of wisdom, older people have become beings that many don’t know what to do with. After a certain number of years, many face rejection, oblivion, and contempt.

The contemporary ideal focuses on youth as the source of all well-being. While this is false, many believe this premise and act on it. Physical strength is now the most important. An elderly person does not fit into this equation, and their vulnerability is not something others want to deal with.

The weakest people are often relegated. This happens to children, the elderly and the sick, among others. Young adults, healthy, strong and in full use of their potential, are always looking for someone to whom they can delegate the attention and care they are responsible for, their own children, or their own parents or family members; there seems to be no time for them.

That is why we want to dedicate this article to you, because with your struggle in life you have gained at least these five considerations, which we will detail below.

don’t try to change an elderly person

Trying to change someone is almost a lack of respect. Who says you have the truth, reason, or wisdom to do this? Only those who believe themselves better than others try to change others. The concept of “better” or “worse” is extremely relative and very dangerous, especially when we use it in the first person.

Regardless of who we’re talking about, an elderly person has been through many things. She formed her own criteria, right or not. She acquired her own habits, tastes and customs. No one has the right to try to convince you that you should think or act otherwise. In fact, it’s very likely that no matter how hard you try, you won’t be able to change the person’s opinion. By accepting differences, you avoid unnecessary unpleasant moments.

don’t get into arguments with them

It may be that your father or grandfather is convinced of something that, to you, may seem absurd. Their religious or political beliefs may be very different from yours. Older people, in good faith, sometimes want to try to convince you that they are right.

Don’t forget that an elderly person has amassed a great deal of baggage that should not be overlooked. If you think as you think is not the result of chance, but of experiences and acquired knowledge. It’s not a good idea to get into pointless arguments to get your point across. Give them active, affectionate and respectful listening: that’s what they deserve.

Support your interests and hobbies

Elderly people are often shy or afraid to expose their own interests and hobbies. In today’s world, their word doesn’t count very much unless they occupy positions of power. While many are bored or listless, there are many others who still feel they have messages to convey, and these messages are important.

Couple of old and happy people

It could be reading, gardening or even sport. It would be wonderful if you tried to discover these orphan interests. And if you already know them, or have already figured out what they are, it’s worth supporting the person to go beyond interest. In the later years of life, having a hobby can be an extraordinary balm.

Accept your physical and cognitive limitations without criticizing them

They say there is a test we should all take. Cover the eyes with cotton, apply Vaseline over the eyes and tie two bricks to our feet. Then try to live like that for an hour. In this way we would know how a person feels at an advanced age. Perhaps this way we would learn to be more tolerant of the limitations of older people.

If you go out with an older person, walk at their own pace and don’t ask for more than they can give. If you don’t hear when you speak, strive to speak louder and more clearly, rather than berating her for not listening. Listen to her health complaints by giving her attention, and treating her as you would like to be treated when she is your age.

Don’t be affected by their quirks

Some older people can be very stubborn. They may even want to challenge the younger ones. In fact, there is a time when they go back to behaving like children. Amidst this late infantilism there are many who develop extravagant behavior.

Remember that there is a reason behind the elder’s way of doing things. They are going through huge changes and are facing the idea that they are going to die in a few years. Their stubbornness and whims help them offset the feeling of vulnerability and fear they feel. Do not give these behaviors more importance than they have.

good-natured old woman

Parents and grandparents are also a source of wisdom, even if they haven’t learned to read and write. Listening to them and spending time with them can nourish your heart in an amazing way. Embracing your vulnerability makes you a better person and gives your life a deeper meaning.

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