Loneliness Can Make You Happy

Loneliness can make you a happy person

If we drew a map of feelings and situations, we would realize that for many people, loneliness and sadness are very close. This closeness is not only related to loneliness in the first person, but also to the feeling of pity we usually feel for someone we see as isolated.

However, this view is very distorted. Loneliness can only be understood as a burden when it is imposed, when the person who feels without social support wants to have it and has no way of finding it. This loneliness has a lot to do with the need to tell, talk and tell part of our story.

That’s why it’s such a harmful feeling in older people. They feel that they have accumulated a certain wisdom that they need to give away in some way, and that is why they are so grateful when we simply give them time. Because the sadness that accompanies imposed loneliness also has a lot to do with time and with the feeling that we are perhaps not valuable enough for someone to dedicate it to us.

On the opposite side is the chosen solitude, the need to be able to escape the social noise. The uneasiness of taking a certain distance that gives us clarity, as if up close we see blurry. This type of loneliness is what makes us independent and gives us resources to be able to feel full, depending solely and exclusively on ourselves.

You can do whatever you want, whenever you want

If you are a person who loves solitude and lives alone in your home, chances are you have become accustomed to being the person you care most about. Perhaps, at this time, you are putting in the balance the advantages that loneliness implies over those that would have a shared life.


Among the advantages is certainly choosing your plans, not giving explanations or being able to make instant decisions; among the disadvantages, the security that unconditional support would give you , the need for well-being that emanates from the fact of sharing, or the fact of being able to delegate some of the household responsibilities.

There are people for whom this daily solitude will be a transitory situation and others who will choose it forever. The best thing, whether you are in one group or another, is that your situation is the one you choose and not one that you have to fit in because you don’t have the opportunity to live any other way.

You can love yourself instead of not loving anyone

They say that loneliness helps us to grow as a person and to get to know each other. However, keep in mind that this will not be so if you sink into the frustration of not being able to let go of either her or the feeling, if you start obsessively searching for the way to escape, like some kind of lion in the savannah.

If you learn to support yourself, to accept your virtues and your faults, and finally to love yourself, you will be on the right path to finding happiness,  as you will not depend on whether or not you have a loving relationship to achieve it. The perfect relationship should be what you have with yourself. Don’t forget that those you create with others will come from it.

cultivate good friendships

Who said that loneliness is synonymous with being isolated or not having friends? That’s not it! Loneliness is your ability to live your way and that is not tied in any way to having good friends who understand you, like you, respect the way you live and make you happy.


Also, when you decide to be alone, you are giving yourself the opportunity to meet new people because you started doing new activities without a companion. People who share your tastes and who will undoubtedly enrich your life. They will be part of that new air that enters her, and the ones that will pull you away from some relationships that you only clung to for fear of being alone.

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