Your Body Is Magical: Discover The ‘visualization’ Technique And See!

Your body is magical: discover the 'visualization' technique and see!

We live so fast that we forget about ourselves. The frenetic pace of life together with the lack of knowledge of our own body prevents us from releasing the emotions we feel at many times. Emotional problems go on forever in time and make us conflict with the present reality. In this context, visualization is a new technique used to control the discomfort we experience in our everyday life.

Recent research has shown that the mental visualization of a person performing an activity can make the brain believe that it is actually happening, that is, the brain goes through the same way it would if the practice were real. This is because mental practice of a situation activates the same brain structures as physical practice.

Mind Visualization to Achieve Our Goals

Visualization is a technique used by people who are successful in all walks of life. If you really want to achieve something, put your imagination to work. It looks like magic, but it’s science. To get an idea of ​​the importance of this practice, currently even formula 1 drivers use it, in addition to gymnasts, as a regular part of their training plan. The most interesting thing about this method is that we just need a good dose of imagination and concentration.

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To visualize a situation we should preferably be in a quiet place, with low light and where we can focus only on visualization. Closing our eyes, we can imagine a landscape or a place in which we feel good. The more detail it is possible to visualize, the more convinced our brain is that what is happening is real, and therefore the more we can release our tensions and our bodies.

Mental visualization is like any other practice: to get results it will be necessary to repeat it, the more times the better, so that our brains memorize our actions.

How to practice visualization?

In these times when everything is moving and happening very fast and we also have to keep pace, we tend to block our energy through stress. This causes blockages in our bodies that can manifest in physical and psychological illnesses such as tiredness, fatigue, desolation, depression, anxiety and lack of vitality.

Step by step to perform a correct visualization:

  • View the activity. Think that what you are seeing is what will happen and be willing for creativity and mental synthesis to guide you. Close your eyes and simply imagine.
  • Visualize the desired result. Anyone who wants to change overnight will only end up deluding themselves. Even if you win the lottery, you will be equally dissatisfied in a short period of time if you don’t strive to change long-term and in the depths.
  • Define your mind yourself. There’s nothing better when you’re feeling bad about yourself and the opportunities life is bringing than thinking positive. A positively defined mindset will turn a moment of bad luck into a period of hope. It will make the glass half empty to become a glass half full, and a rainy day to be a day with a sun behind the clouds.
  • Transform your imagination into the real world. After moments, days and months or even years have passed visualizing all the possibilities, the time for change will come someday. And then, just before the moment you finally take action to take a step or even complete the activity in the real world, focus clearly on the image of success and action already taken.
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Visualization only works when we are calm, calm and willing to draw in our mind – freeing it from immediate concerns – what we want to achieve. Without being overwhelmed by the rush, we have to actively think through all the possibilities, leaving out everything that doesn’t have to do with the current goals. So, whatever you are actively imagining, relax your body – which is magical – and you will receive the strength to put yourself in motion.

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