I Decided That The Best Part Of My Life Starts Today

I decided the best part of my life starts today

Today I decided to be happy, I decided to prioritize myself, take care of myself and want my well a little more. I want the stars to light the path I walk at this moment in my life, so that everything that comes to me is good. I decided to be brave and know how to give joy to those who matter to me.

It is never too late for any positive decision, it is never too late to realize that perhaps we deserve more and that we are the first ones to be convinced to take action to adjust the direction of our life and give, why not, a little more air to our sails to achieve happiness.

On some occasions, almost without realizing it, we postpone our lives. We create a limit and we just exist, but we don’t live. And we are not talking about lack of opportunity due to economic problems; there are those who lead an authentic, full and happy life with only the bare minimum.

We speak of this life in which the being is in balance with himself and lives with the heart, truly doing what he loves and seeking to be surrounded by people with whom there is authentic reciprocity.

Sometimes we are stuck in eternal waiting rooms, waiting for the passage to real and authentic life because we become attached to things, situations, and people that completely impede our personal growth.

When life isn’t life, it’s just existence


Throughout our life cycle we go through different phases, and happiness is not always guaranteed in all of them. There are moments when life is not really life, it is just a passing of days filled with disillusionment, without intensity and without illusions.

Anyone who lets himself be carried away by the routine and the choices that others make in his place, day after day, remains lost. No doubt there will come a time when he will no longer know himself, because his personal identity will have crumbled into cold pieces in which there will no longer be any self-esteem left. There will be nothing left.

  • Sometimes certain situations end up conditioning us in such a way that we stop questioning things. “I know that my work doesn’t make me happy, that it violates my rights, but at least I have an economic support. Leaving my job is a risk, and even if I’m losing my health, I can’t do anything…”
  • Another reason why we get stuck and limited in our personal growth is because of affective relationships that limit our aspirations, restrict our spaces and veto our goals, and sometimes we choose to continue in these situations.

In reality, there are many reasons why our life, this authentic life that we dream for ourselves, is not achieved. It may even be that we ourselves are responsible for closing our doors because of indecision, for fear of leaving a certain comfort zone.

The enemies of our vital growth and our happiness are not always abroad. In some cases, our own thoughts and beliefs can be the most dangerous.


I decide that the best of my life begins today

That simple decision is a big step. Deciding that we want and are going to be happy is an act of bravery and creates something that has a lot of strength, something called a dream and, in turn, a life project.

From today onwards, you will no longer see life as if you were leafing through a book. Now, instead of leafing through, you’re going to write the book of your life, and you’re going to be the real protagonist. For this it is necessary to take the following steps:

  • Today begins the rest of your life, and it will be the best part of your existence. Therefore, you must understand that your happiness depends in reality on only one thing: yourself.
  • Every act of decision requires acts of bravery beforehand. And so, since you are now acting as master of your destiny, it is time to analyze what is preventing you from being yourself in your life. Analyze who only offers you unhappiness, sadness and who undermines your self-esteem.
  • Know that to be happy, you may need to make one or another resignation.
  • You are already aware of what is bad for you. Now focus your gaze on what is important to you and what you would never give up : your family, your friends, your interests, your dreams…
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