Love Or Need?

Love or need?

Do I love it or need it? Sometimes we realize that we don’t love that person so much that is by our side. Are we living a love or a lie? Have we been lying to each other and to ourselves?

Where is the boundary between need and love? Or maybe that limit doesn’t exist? Does need have something to do with love?

Love or need?

Love is a feeling that has nothing to do with outdated concepts like possession. Love is such a strong feeling that it overcomes all barriers, we can even love someone who doesn’t live with us, because as we said, love does not mean to have or to possess.

However, when we are living with the love of our life, we can see that it is more need than love. Think about it: why do you need your mate? In what aspects of your life is it essential? You will certainly find that you need your partner in most areas of your life.


For example, you may need your partner to take care of the children, to be responsible for shopping, to pick you up from work, to prepare food… Without realizing it, need often plays a much more important role than love.

Maybe it’s time to stop and think about whether you still love your partner or whether time has turned that love into a need. Do you know what happens when you no longer need it? Love starts to fall apart and it all ends at some point.

I needed but I also loved

Behind this need there may be deeper issues such as emotional dependency. A problem that sometimes we cannot see, but it is there and, little by little, it harms the couple and even the person.

We will not be able to maintain a healthy relationship if we simply need this person; it is necessary to love the other. We need to learn to be alone so that we don’t feel lonely even when we’re together.

couple love

Imagine that your partner wants to go out with friends, but your need to keep him by your side makes you angry and sends signals that you are not happy with this choice. You are being selfish and thinking only about yourself : without realizing it you put your needs on top of the other.

If there is no psychological problem that prevents us from finding a partner, we can talk about another point. In every relationship there is a little “need”, but you must be aware. The need cannot be greater than love.

At the moment when the need overcomes love, it is necessary to rethink the relationship, realize what is wrong… Many times we need love so much that we do not realize that we are in a wrong relationship.

love in all its essence

It is very difficult to define love, it can be hidden by necessity. A need that doesn’t stop being selfish because the person thinks only about his own well-being.

Love is freedom, it knows no labels or barriers; love is pure and light. Trying to suppress it is a serious mistake. It’s normal for you to need your partner, but maybe that need has nothing to do with love.

Ask yourself: do I love or do I need it? If necessary, it is important to go back and change your attitudes. Need can be comfortable and pleasant, but very selfish.

We need to learn to balance love and need in our relationships to be happier; we need to think about each other’s feelings. We all like it when they need us, but we like it so much more when they love us.

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