Recognize Mistakes To Grow

Recognize mistakes to grow

Why is it so hard to recognize our mistakes? Making mistakes is part of human nature; the important thing is how we position ourselves in the face of mistakes made. There are two ways to react to an error:

1- Try to hide it, blame others or dodge. Doing so has bad consequences, as you will not learn from your mistakes and may feel guilty and frustrated.

We can fool people by showing them that we are perfect, but we can never fool ourselves. Not recognizing the error prevents us from growing and maturing . Recognizing a mistake is essential to becoming strong and doing it differently next time.

2- Recognize mistakes with humility and willingness to learn. If we hide a mistake, how are we going to learn? Recognizing a mistake and turning back is a sign of courage, as well as giving us peace of mind.

Accept mistakes and face consequences and external criticism. Recognizing a mistake does not diminish us, but makes us great. Be humble, acknowledge your failure and look for ways to overcome it.

Who has never failed is because he never took a risk

Nobody is born knowing everything. Despite the advice of others, we only learn from our own experiences. People who say they never failed is because they never took risks and always remained in their “comfort zone”.

The less we risk, the less we make mistakes. If a boat sails along a known and safe path, it will never have any problems, but it will not have new experiences or discover other landscapes. When we want to convey an image of perfection and don’t recognize our flaws, we act like that business manager who is always right, never fails, and when something goes wrong, it’s the other’s fault.

If we go through life with that attitude, others won’t see our human side. Nobody is looking for perfect friends, and people who want to look like perfect bosses or perfect parents, who never make mistakes, will never have real friends or people who are really interested in an honest and true relationship.

Five Positive Effects of Recognizing Our Mistakes

1- We will attract more people into our lives as we face up to our mistakes. With this attitude, we will show that we are humble and sincere people. Recognizing flaws is a virtue.

2- Self-knowledge: knowing ourselves better and realizing our strengths and weaknesses brings self-acceptance and confidence.

3- We will live a more honest and sincere life and this translates into security and well-being.

4- Happiness will be closer to us, since it won’t be necessary to be perfect. Making mistakes is normal and does not mean failure, but learning.

5- We will acquire good tools to overcome life’s adversities. Every mistake we make, that we try to correct and overcome, brings us more tolerance for frustration.

To make mistakes is not so negative; it means that we had the courage to take risks and live new experiences. If we are able to recognize faults, we will be freer, as what others think of us is not relevant. Taking on our mistakes requires a lot of courage and humility.

If we allow ourselves the freedom to make mistakes, we will learn to be more flexible and tolerant with ourselves, and these tools will help us open new doors and grow.

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