You Have To Be Brave In This Love Affair

You have to be brave in this love affair

We are immersed in a time of change,  human beings seem to be disconnected from each other. We walk with our heads down, immersed in our electronic devices, with jobs that do not satisfy us and running in a hurry. But  there is something timeless and majestic that can change a person’s existence:   love .

And although love seems to be forgotten and lagging behind on other “more important” matters at times…  We all  dream  of it, taste it, feel it… soak in it.

It is true that there are many types of love, but  the love that exists in a relationship is always wanted by people, no matter how much they try to deny it or forget it.

That’s why we must make a special mention to those couples who decide to face everything and fall in love; even though deep down there are voices that say:   No!  You don’t know the risk you’re taking!”

But… what risk?

Living alone is a risk and most of us do it, don’t we? Why renounce something that warms our hearts and gives peace to our  spirits ?

be brave in love

The duration of love is unwritten.  Nor its components. Nor your circumstances. Intimate love plays a role in the species and in our hearts.

We show everything in intimate love, we express our everyday misfortunes, which are listened to with a caress and soothed with a kiss. In intimate love, there is a meeting between two people, but also between two souls. 

It is the desire through the eyes, the passion unleashed with a kiss. Intimate love is the confluence of two worlds.

Romanticism is like that, it’s that inexhaustible mystery that you never want to end. Not with just anyone, but with the one who makes you feel like the best person and the only one you hope to keep looking at with that fascination and desire, respect and affection.

be brave in love

Some lovers will face distances, the proofs of a fate that seems to have no pity on them.

Others will face small talk, opinions and malicious jokes. But finally,  the most important confrontation is with yourself. For only when we know each other and when we love each other, our love will be sincere.

And even if everything around you seems to crumble, isolate and make things more difficult, you should understand that the great love stories don’t share the same characteristics, but they all share a common denominator:  the value of believing and fighting for them .

True lovers remain united because their hearts know, and because they have reasons that reason itself and society do not know.

So there are courageous loves, passionate loves; don’t be afraid, you and your partner are the inspiration for great stories and great challenges.

It’s good to remember that  not everything will be perfect, but it will be authentic…

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