21 Simple Attitudes To Nurture Happiness

21 Simple Attitudes to Feed Happiness

Surely you know many people who seem to live in a continual state of good humor: despite all the problems and heartaches they go through in life, they will never be seen complaining about pain or suffering. But how do they do it? We’ll give you some clues in the following article.

The 21 Habits That Fuel Your Happiness

Psychology experts say that to be happy you don’t have to have millions in a bank, or even a perfect job, a dream family, or the prettiest house in the neighborhood. It is more a question of attitude towards life, of knowing how to face difficult situations and always being grateful for what we have (which, if we stop to think, is much more than we believe we have).

1. Enjoy and life. Give thanks every day for being able to get out of bed, for being alive.

2. Choose only good friends. It is better that you are surrounded by happy and positive people, because they will make you see the world differently. Prefer those friendships that have the same ethics and values ​​as you, that help you to achieve your dreams and you theirs.

3. Consider others. Accept people for who they are and what they like. Respect others, regardless of their religion, political beliefs, ideology or thoughts. Approach people with a generous and kind spirit.

4. Learn all the time. If you have an inclination or career, you should keep up with the latest news about it. Try new and even daring things, things you’ve never done before. Don’t deprive yourself of doing what you like.

5. Find practical solutions to your problems. Don’t feel overwhelmed or desperate in any situation. Everything has a solution waiting, but it has to be found first. Don’t let the setbacks outside of you change your mood.

6. Do everything you love. Only 20% of people are satisfied with their job, so there are so many people on the street with bitter expressions on their faces. Think that we will spend a large part of our days (and our lives) working. Choose what you like and you will never be frustrated again. The extra money from a job you hate is not worth it.

7. Enjoy the little things. Observe the beauty that surrounds you, in a flower, a bird or a caress. There is much more to it than just work. Be sure to watch the sunset or sunrise, go for a walk on the beach, walk with your children; live in the moment and take care of the present. It is useless to live in the past and not for the future.

8. Laugh more. Don’t take everything so seriously. It is possible to find something funny in every situation. Laugh at yourself, because nobody is perfect. Remember that laughing heals.

9. Forgive. If you feel resentful, only you will be regretting it. Forgiving others is synonymous with health. If you are the person to be wrong, confess and learn from it.

10. Give Thanks:  surely you have many reasons to give thanks, even for what sometimes goes unnoticed: a home, a family, a job, a plate of food. You must be happy with what you have.

11. Invest in your relationships. Your loved ones must know that you love them. Take care of them at all times, spend a few hours by their side, don’t leave it for when you “have time”.

12. Keep your word. Honesty is one of man’s most important virtues. All your actions must have this basis.

13. Meditate. This will give your mind and body a rest. It’s simple, just sit quietly and work towards inner peace.

14. Keep yourself busy with your affairs. Don’t worry about what other people say, don’t get carried away by gossip, don’t judge, don’t harm others.

15. Be optimistic. Always look at the half full glass, look for the positive side of each situation, take advantage of problems, turn a negative thought into a new possibility for growth.

16. Be worthy. Dignity will make the difference between a full life and a miserable one. That is, make yourself respect and respect others.

17. Be persistent. Never cross your arms, face all the challenges that life presents you, with a good attitude of overcoming difficulties. You must focus on what you want to achieve, plan for success, and take action.

18. Be proactive. Accept what, for the time being, cannot change. Don’t waste energy on what is not under your control. Accept that as a human you have limitations.

19. Take care of yourself. If you don’t, who will? Take care of your body, but also your mind. Get regular check ups , play sports, eat healthy and get enough sleep. Don’t forget to drink lots of water and streamline your brain with challenges or readings.

20. Trust yourself. Don’t want to be someone other than what you are. Know your tastes and what you don’t like, be confident in your abilities and virtues.

21. Be responsible. This is not to say that every day you should be a formal, rational person. What you must not allow is to be irresponsible in your mood, attitude, thoughts, words, actions and feelings.

Photo courtesy of isak55

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