7 Times When It’s Best To Keep Quiet

7 times when it's best to keep quiet

Do you feel like you got your feet through your hands for talking too much?  This has happened to all of us more than once, and almost always in situations we fall into unintentionally. It could be a joke that ruined a special moment or an “unimportant” comment. The truth is, there are times when it’s best to keep quiet to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Let me give you some examples of situations in which it is better to listen than speak. Also, when we are silent, we can hear what others say. Often,  if you stay out of conversations, you can get to know the people who participate in it better, because you can observe their gestures and how they express themselves. If you keep silent, you will surely get more benefits than dislikes.

when people are gossiping

People like to gossip; that simple. It may sound funny and fun, but don’t fall for the bullshit of talking about others. When you see someone talking about your friends or someone you know, avoid making any comments.  Just listen… that way you’ll learn a lot about the person you’re talking about and also the one they’re talking about.

If you are asked your opinion about the person criticized, it is best to remain silent or say something like: “I believe she does the best she can”. While you may feel out of context for the moment, you will feel much better later.

When asked about your love life

“How was your date last night?” Or, “What is such a person like in bed?” These are two very common questions, but they are not the only ones. They are usually made by friends of ours, so it seems normal to answer with a lot of detail. The best you can do with this type of question is to leave a mystery in the air.

The first reason is that  you probably wouldn’t want your  partner to  go around answering similar questions about you.  But beyond that, talking too quickly about these topics makes others think you’re not a very trustworthy person. If you have the need to comment on a problem, or want someone to listen to you, it’s best to turn to your best friend or partner.

After a very obvious mistake

It may happen that you are wrongly accused of some fact or activity. Avoid the temptation to mention at all times that someone else made a mistake. Of course,  you will need to defend yourself against any charges, but don’t try to make the culprit look ridiculous.  That attitude would make you look pedantic and, believe me, this is much worse.

when you are an expert

We are all experts on some subject, but screaming out loud is not the best thing to do. Even if you feel the need for others to recognize your knowledge, avoid mentioning them at inappropriate times. For example, at dinner with friends and family, focus on spending a pleasant time with them, not showing off. Soon you will have the opportunity to talk about your work, or over dinner with your boss, who knows.

If you know of a secret you could benefit from…

If you find yourself in a situation where you know something that could improve your life, your finances or anything else, but that could affect someone else, don’t use it. It’s a tricky situation, because you will feel the temptation, but you would show yourself to be unreliable. Even if you don’t believe it,  the benefits of being silent in cases like this can outweigh the momentary benefits.

If you are not knowledgeable about the subject

Whether among friends or at work, we always run the risk of falling into a subject we don’t know anything about. Even though it’s hard not to give an opinion, it’s best not to say something inappropriate or that might affect you in any way.

in discussions

Shut up. Listen. Wait. That’s when we say things we can regret.  It’s not good to talk when we’re hot-headed. You can argue with your boss, with your parents, with your family… but if you notice that the argument is turning into a fight, it’s best to keep quiet.

Wait until you are calm to think clearly and make your point. Even if you are right, wait, because your interlocutor will not understand you. At first it will be hard not to talk, but you just need a little practice.

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