The Beauty Of Being Yourself

the beauty of being yourself

how to grow

A king went to his garden and found that his trees, shrubs and flowers were dying.

Carvalho told him he was dying because he couldn’t be as tall as Pinheiro. Turning to the Pine tree, he found it fallen because it could not bear grapes like the Vine. And the Vine, in turn, was dying because it could not bloom like the Rosebush. Roseira cried because she couldn’t be as tall and strong as Oak. Then he found a plant, a Freesia, blooming and fresher than ever.

The king then asked:  How do you manage to grow healthy amid this withered and dismal garden?

I can’t say…  Maybe it’s because I always assumed that when you planted me, you wanted freesia. If I wanted an Oak or a Rose, I would have planted them… At that moment I said to myself: “I will try to be a Freesia as best I can!”

Now it is your turn. You are here to contribute your fragrance. Just look at yourself.

There is no possibility that you are someone else.

You can enjoy and flourish washed down with the love you have for yourself, or you can fall into your own disapproval…

Jorge Bucay

the best version of yourself

As Albert Einstein said , “All people are geniuses. However, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life believing it to be an idiot.”

Who are you really?

From a very young age we are taught to judge ourselves, taking into account the qualities and opinions of the people around us. But if we continually compare ourselves with people, we will hardly get to know each other deeply. For this, we need to look carefully in front of the mirror and look for all these potentials that we often leave hidden behind our fears and habits.

Continuously comparing yourself is not usually a good formula for maintaining good self-esteem, it can even lead to a distorted perception of ourselves.

While comparisons have a downside, they also have another upside; and it is precisely the ability to perceive that there is a wide variety of ways of thinking, acting and feeling.

It’s not about being like someone else, not about being successful, competent or fun like the others are, but about taking advantage of our qualities, the best we have, and joining them to our talent and originality.

Nobody is exactly like ourselves. We are all different. Nobody has lived all the experiences that each of us has had, not even in a similar way. Each person has their story. Therefore, when making comparisons, we compare ourselves with different things, taking into account only a few personal characteristics or traits. That’s why the opportunity to be yourself turns out to be so valuable.

Each of us has many characteristics, some of which make life easier, while others may be difficult at times, but together they make us unique.

This doesn’t mean we can’t try to change aspects of ourselves if we want to, as that’s not a bad thing to do; it is only necessary to take into account that  the real changes are born of self-acceptance, not rejection.

Learning to value ourselves, love us, and accept us is a lifelong, laborious change ; and often, this path requires doses of motivation and persistence. Coming to full knowledge of ourselves will make us feel more comfortable in our own skin, as well as be one of the most exciting journeys we can embark on.

Let’s be the best version of ourselves every day!

Image Credits: Dew Sp

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