5 Impactful Sentences By Wisława Szymborska

What is most striking about Wisława Szymborska’s sentences is the sharpness with which she communicates her way of thinking and seeing. His poetic vision is intelligent and frank. It is, without a doubt, one of the best voices in contemporary poetry.

Wisława Szymborska’s phrases often refer to everyday aspects, or that perhaps should be everyday, but they are often forgotten. This Polish writer has always had an impressive sensibility. This allowed him to see and describe the everyday world in a very particular way.

What most characterizes Wisława Szymborska’s phrases are simplicity and authenticity. In them we can see her poetic vein, but at the same time we can create a bond with the writer. His work is not hermetic or erudite, quite the contrary. It remains open and accessible to anyone who wants to read it. These are some of his most remembered phrases.

This wonderful poetess has not even completed her university studies. From humble origins, financial difficulties accompanied her in her childhood and youth. Still, she became one of the most read writers, and today we want that to become even bigger.

Wisława Szymborska’s Phrases

1. The world is cruel

How many times have we heard that the world is cruel? Probably many, and we’ve even talked a few times, or a few hundred times. This is one of those clichéd phrases that everyone knows and becomes a kind of explanation for negative events or realities in life.

One of Wisława Szymborska’s phrases takes up this expression, but takes it to another dimension. His sentence says: “The world is cruel, but it also deserves other, more compassionate adjectives”. The wonderful thing about his statement is that it shows the contradiction between the meaning of the statement and the cruelty that the sentence itself carries.

2. A sentence about the weather

One of Wisława Szymborska’s phrases says: “Every beginning is nothing more than a continuation, and the book of events is always open halfway”. She refers to time as a constant phenomenon in which, in reality, there is no beginning and no end.

When we start something, we are just continuing another reality that already existed. Everything that is actually born has a past behind it. And in the same sense, nothing ends. Every event, every fact, is always part of a timeline that has precedents and will have a succession.

3. Not being bad students…

This is another of Wisława Szymborska’s reflections regarding time. She says the following: “In this school of the world, not even being bad students, we will repeat a year, a winter, a summer” . She reminds us in this sentence that each experience is unique and unrepeatable.

It means that every opportunity is unique. Time goes by and nothing is the same as it is now. Even if we’ve done something wrong and deserve a chance, in reality we’ll never get it. Time does not come back and what was will never be again.

4. Happy love

This is a phrase by Wisława Szymborska dedicated to all people who proclaim the non-existence of true love. She says: “Those who do not know about happy love maintain that it does not exist anywhere in the world. With this belief it will be easier for them to live and die”.

In this sentence there is a question for those who say they do not believe in love. This is, perhaps, a conviction that comes only from their particular experience, but they end up extending it to the whole world, because that way it will be much easier to lead their own lives. If true love doesn’t exist anywhere, it’s not your responsibility not to build it.

5. Poetry is love

Wisława Szymborska made poetry her way of life. She was not a distant writer. On the contrary, he always maintained communication with his readers and was sensitive to their concerns and questions. I understood that being a poet is something more than writing verses.

This posture was reflected in the following statement: “All poems are born of love; even those who transmit evil have deep down a form of love for the world”. In a word, poetry is love.

Many celebrated the fact that she received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1996. Because of that, she is now one of the most read writers in the world. There were also many who mourned his death in 2012, because thought, being like a light for the road of life, lost one of its brightest lights.

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