A Teacher Works For Eternity

Teaching is, on many occasions, a neglected and little recognized task, although its development has an incalculable value. As an example, we all have a teacher whom we remember with a special affection: for what he taught us and for what we learned.
A teacher works for eternity

Being a teacher is a profession with great responsibility, as your performance is invaluable. Therefore, these professionals need to have good initial training and be constantly updated.

It is not enough to transmit knowledge. They need to be the bridge between knowledge and the student, promote values ​​and, at the same time, be experts in countless things: new technologies, resource management, assessments, emotional intelligence, etc.

A good teacher is concerned with each of his students and with an inclusive education, has empathy and focuses on learning more than teaching. We speak of an integral education of the student, in which he is taught to develop for the life that awaits him.

Teacher answering student's questions

The role of the teacher and the importance of collaboration

With the new educational challenges, the teacher’s role changes, as it is not a mere transmitter of knowledge. In fact, it becomes the guide of the teaching/learning process.

Coordination between professors plays an important role here: it provides opportunities for learning among professionals, discusses possible conflicts and seeks to reduce stress and overwork.

Working as a team, you learn from the experiences of others and from different points of view, in addition to being able to share different ways of doing things. Helping and collaborating, increases the motivation and willingness to carry out activities and projects with other teachers, forming a team.

All of this improves knowledge management, allows you to improve students’ attention and to know what to do in other subjects to connect them with yours.

Much more than teaching

Every teacher works with knowledge and with individuals. He is not just the subject matter expert or someone who knows how to listen to his students, or a mixture of all of these. He is also someone who enjoys doing what he does, someone who has his own goals to achieve.

As Aristotle said, it is not enough to transmit knowledge. You can love your students and teach them at the same time, without having to neglect either part.

To teach a subject, it is not enough to master its content, because, in addition, it is necessary to find the meaning of the content that is taught.

At the same time, there are other important aspects, such as defining roles, delimiting responsibilities, discussing and negotiating work and evaluation systems. It is necessary to transmit values, promote creativity, critical thinking and encourage cooperation, because the important thing is not to teach how much is two plus two or what the name of the rivers in each country is.

teacher teaching

teach with passion

A faculty who does their job with passion creates a relationship with the student that goes beyond the classroom. A mutual relationship of help and admiration is created. It is a job for the student to learn and excel, not just for him to finish the course with a certain grade.

The job of teaching is about leaving a mark on someone’s life forever, and the strength of a teacher is very transformative when you believe in what you’re doing. Teachers have the power to transform society.

Teachers who use new methodologies, with which students learn in an active way, promote collaborative learning, working on creativity and discovery . Thus, the bet is to have an effective development of the necessary skills so that students can develop in the society in which we live.

People who are passionate about teaching, people who are motivated and keep up to date to do their job in the best possible way. People who are grateful to be teachers, people who like to work with people.

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