5 Tips To Prepare For A Job Interview And Succeed

5 Tips to Prepare for a Job Interview and Succeed

Want to know how to prepare for a job interview? This can be one of the most pressing times when we are looking for a job. If possible, it’s best to prepare for this meeting thoroughly so that, at least for the most frequently asked questions, we already have an honest and brilliant answer prepared.

Let’s think that the company is looking for the ideal candidate to fill the position offered. If the interview is good, the candidate’s values ​​and qualities will be known that could not be obtained with any other test within the selection process. Values ​​and qualities that can guarantee us the vacancy or keep us away from it.

On the other hand, before going to the interview, we will have already gone through a first selection based on the curriculum. In other words, if they called us for the interview, it’s because we are serious candidates for the position; otherwise, the company would not spend resources calling us for an interview. In other words, what we will gain or lose at this stage depends on how we will respond to the questions asked.

Surprising questions can always come up in a job interview. More than that, some can be specially designed to make us feel more pressure. Normally, this type of question does not cause the candidate to guarantee the place, but it can easily be dismissed due to an out-of-control response.

If that happens, it would be great to be able to give a brilliant answer. However, if this is not possible, we must have a conservative attitude towards this type of question. This tip is an introduction to the other five that we’ll introduce below.

How to Prepare for a Job Interview

1. Know the company

The more you know about the company that can hire you, the better. Try to get as much information as possible about the number of employees, whether there is a website, what is their philosophy, what products they sell, sales numbers, etc.

The internet is a good ally to find this information, but if you have the opportunity to visit the company in person, you will be able to obtain interesting information (building structure, if it is possible to reach it on foot, if there is parking, subway stations or bus stop …).

woman working in cafe

2. Where and when

It is important that you are sure of the scheduled location, date and time. It is possible that the interview will be in a location that is not related to the company. This happens frequently when companies hire agencies to do the selection process. Still, if it’s possible to get to the place some day before the scheduled time, you can accurately calculate how long it takes to get there, whether it’s possible to get there by public transport, or whether it’s easy to park.

Punctuality is a key factor. Try to keep a margin for the unexpected; on the other hand, even if you’re already there, avoid introducing yourself too soon. Doing so can give the impression that you mismanage your time and don’t plan well.

3. Take care of your appearance

We are tired of hearing that “a picture is worth a thousand words”, but in this case this is very true. Given the position you are applying for and the company’s culture, you should look for a look that is consistent with these two aspects.

For “more serious” companies or positions, look for a suitable neutral-toned suit, company-colored tie, clean, closed shoes, and a well-ironed shirt. Also, make sure you’re comfortable so that it feels formal but doesn’t look like you’re acting.

On the other hand, if the job is for “bartender on the beach”, maybe wearing a suit is not the best idea. We will look for something more laid-back, giving primordial place to our spontaneity. Our potential customers will be enjoying their vacation and will prefer happy people over serious people. So that’s what they’ll try to find in us, and the way we dress might be a first clue.

Job interview

4. Documentation

Take a copy of the résumé that was previously submitted and, if you have asked for any other document, check that it is organized and impeccable.

Be aware of your résumé, as you may be asked to explain it in depth during the interview. They may want to know what you have achieved with a particular training or experience.

5. It’s better to go alone

It is preferable to present yourself for job interviews without a companion. Going with someone else can be interpreted as a lack of maturity or insecurity. It’s curious: many parents accompany their children on their first job interviews, telling them how to act and what to say. Beware of this advice; human resources departments have also evolved, and the characteristics they require will not always be in keeping with what a superficial analysis can tell us.

In the end, each interview, each interviewer and each candidate is a world apart. In this sense, the person who usually gets the vacancy is the one who has a greater ability to read the interview itself and bring these three parts together.

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