Don’t Leave It All For Later; It May Be Too Late

Don't leave it all for later;  it may be too late

On many occasions in our life, we leave the pending issues to be resolved later. It can be a small task, small steps to a goal, or an important decision that needs to be made. We may be living accumulating tasks, obligations or desires . 

However, time passes and what we said we were going to do one day remains pending and without a fixed date, becoming an endless “I have to…” . It may be that this behavior does not generate many difficulties, but in others, it may be too late later.

I will do such thing later

It is true that our daily lives can be overloaded with things to do, which prevent us from taking everything forward, after all we are no superheroes or superheroines.  It’s normal that  sometimes we can’t solve everything, which is why it’s better to do fewer things with quality than to do many things without being able to dedicate yourself to them.

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But when we leave too much for later and they pile up, we can experience high levels of anxiety and discomfort with our self-concept. We have  anxiety  when we leave too many doors unclosed and wires untied.

We may also be making the mistake of overestimating the time and effort we think it will take to get something done. We may think that it will take longer than is really necessary. Sometimes it takes us longer to think about doing something than actually doing it.

It’s almost never late, but one day it might be too late

Almost all of our choices go through a logical decision-making process. With the influence of our emotions, of course. The truth is that sometimes  too much thinking means that we imagine the possible endings, and almost always, they are all bad.

And so we watch the days go by, thinking that the day will come when something will change without getting up from the couch. And of course, this day will never come. Knowing that everything in our hands is possible, if we are responsible for starting ourselves.

Time is not an important value either. It is true that there are things that cannot be recovered and that have already happened, we can only learn from this with the conviction that we all make mistakes. But it’s  never too late  to change  things that we can still solve, you  just have to try.

Talking to someone with whom we spent a lot of time without talking, solving past conflicts, resuming the passion or hobby that made us happy or fulfilling the achievable dreams we have; all this is only possible if we set ourselves in motion.

girl-with-doves-flying-around you

Repeated behavior becomes a habit.

habit  is a custom or practice acquired by the frequency of repetition of an act. We can acquire healthy and beneficial habits, or habits that do us no good. The secret is in the beginning and, above all, in persistence.

Habits arise because the brain is always looking for a way to save energy, because its natural tendency is to turn almost any situation it has experienced into a routine. The problem is, the brain doesn’t differentiate between good and bad habits.

Here are some tips for creating a habit:

  • Think about developing a habit that is healthy and  write a list of  reasons  for doing it;
  • Mark the day on a calendar that is visible somewhere in your home;
  • Prepare, in advance, everything you need to get started;
  • Keep in mind that implementing a habit in your life takes time and persistence;
  • Make  small changes  and don’t try to change everything at once;
  • Know that “relapse”  into quitting a habit is not a failure, it’s just a “relapse”

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