People Who Leave Footprints, Not Scars

People who leave footprints, not scars

There are people who come into our lives and change everything, people who are worth stopping, breathing and appreciating. Appreciate what really matters. The details, the little things, like the sea water, the clouds, a look of those who say it all, the way they smile, an infinite embrace mixed with the salt, with their hands, waking up beside you…

There are people who are made of “unforgettable steel”, people who make everything make sense, even the things we didn’t care about before we met them. They are real people who mark a “before and after” in our lives and leave their mark on our memories.

There is a big difference between leaving footprints and scars

There is a huge difference between leaving footprints and leaving a scar. Scars are signs of damage, pain, open wounds, emotions that need cleaning and treatment. Scars are marks that we would not want to have, and that remind us that the pain could have been avoided.

Footprints, on the other hand, are marks and memories we feel on our skin and in our memory. Footprints are beneficial, as they make us relive moments of love, learning and growth.


Therefore, it doesn’t matter the quantity, but the quality of the people around us. If someone systematically hurts us, we should consider cleaning our surroundings; focus better and let only those relationships that result in contributions and mutual growth remain.

They are people who rebuild us with their hugs

The small details give meaning to life, change everything, make the trivial important. Thus, it is not so necessary what is given, but how such a gift is offered.

There are hugs that try to fix our broken parts, teach us to live and relive our insides. Special people don’t wait for things to happen; they seek what they want until they receive it.


It’s not about taking steps, it’s about leaving footprints

There are people who leave a permanent mark on our hearts, because there was a time when we followed the same path with them. And although they are no longer with us, we will never forget them.

Don’t strive to leave that footprint; it appears without you noticing. These are the people who offer another vision of our world, who help us to question the past, present and future.


There are people who mark us forever

Therefore, a soul mate is a kind of lifesaver. Soul mates arise by chance, or perhaps intentionally, and change us forever.  They allow us to open our eyes, to see what hurts us, what can hurt us.

Next to them, nothing hurts so much, because people who leave footprints do not cause permanent damage, they are not dedicated to marking purposely.  They can even turn our lives upside down and cause a bit of annoyance, but finding them is invaluable luck.

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