If Chaos Resides In Your Mind, Start Drawing

If chaos resides in your mind, start drawing

Perhaps right now you are going through a time when everything is in chaos. Your life, your interpersonal relationships, your work, nothing seems to go well and you can’t find an explanation for it all. This is a very common situation that becomes complicated, as we often do not know how to define or objectify. Did you know that drawing can put some order in this whole disaster?

Some people choose writing to express their feelings and release their emotions. They say that this way they can vent and feel much better. Others choose to talk to their dearest ones. In this way they find unconditional support and a little help to guide them through this mess.

But today, we’re not here to talk about writing or any other type of strategies that can be used to eliminate your frustration and start sorting out the mess that is in your life. Today we are going to focus on drawing, an activity that can be a great ally in these difficult times. 

Drawing allows you to discover yourself

In the most difficult times,  one of our main problems is the inability to face a situation properly. With this, not only are we not able to solve it as quickly as possible, but also, most of the time, we even make the situation worse.

That’s why it’s so important to stop and find out. Even if you think you know everything about yourself, that’s not quite the case. There are still many situations you will experience that are new. There are many circumstances you haven’t lived through yet that you don’t know how to relate to.

painting woman

Drawing will allow you to discover everything you don’t know about yourself,  as well as expressing everything you feel and clearing out all the places that right now have a confusing and chaotic appearance. Chaos as a whole has its days numbered.

You may be thinking that you don’t draw well and that this technique isn’t right for you. That’s just an excuse, it doesn’t matter if what you’re doing is meaningless lines or drawings that don’t have any relationship. We are not thinking about drawing well, we are focused on freeing ourselves and illustrating on paper what we feel.

When you are in front of a blank sheet of paper and pick up a pencil or other styling object to transfer to it everything that frustrates you, don’t think about the result, don’t think about anything. Simply let yourself go and allow your hand to flow without pressure or direction. You will be amazed at the result.

Design as a therapeutic purpose

With all that has been mentioned so far, we realize that  drawing can have great therapeutic benefits  that can help us to heal ourselves, be a little happier and, of course, get to know ourselves better.


But if all of this is new to you and you want to get the most out of the design, you need to put into practice different techniques suited to your problem. This way, depending on the situation, you can get different results.

  • Draw lines and then circles:  This technique is very useful if what’s happening around you annoys you. This aggressiveness has to be released through lines that show the rigidity and hardness of your state, until it ends up in gentle, relaxing circles.
  • Draw pictures:  If you’re worried, one technique to get rid of all these sleep-disturbing thoughts is to draw pictures like circles and triangles. You can also draw people, animals or landscapes, it all depends on how you feel about your concerns.
  • Draw mandalas:  Mandalas are used in religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism for the purpose of achieving inner peace. It’s an excellent technique if you need to understand yourself, understand the chaos around you, or overcome a disappointment.
  • Draw paths:  sometimes despair takes hold of us and we cannot find a way out of our problems. In these cases, drawing paths can be one of our best options. One way or the other, you will realize that there are possibilities and that you can open more doors than you thought.
  • Draw rainbows, flowers and green landscapes:  green is the color of hope and colors fill us with joy. Drawing this allows you to overcome a period of sadness or even depression that you are going through. Darkness contrasts with light, so give your drawings more light.
  • Draw spirals: Sometimes the problem is not that we can’t find a way out, but that we think everything can go forward or backward. Drawing spirals will allow you to be aware that there are also sides, right, left, ups, downs… Not everything always has to be in a straight line. This is a good way to stop being stuck and start moving forward.

These are just a few ideas you can put into practice if you feel distressed, sad, stagnant, or upset. But you can create your own idea, the one that works for you and brings you benefits. Think that in the world of design there is still a lot to discover. You may find it easier for you to draw dots or make a replica of a painting.

painting woman

Don’t forget,  whenever you draw don’t think,  don’t feed your worries, your problems even more. Simply let yourself go until you reach the liberation so longed for in order to eliminate the chaos that resides around you.

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