5 Reasons Why You Should Laugh More

5 reasons why you should laugh more

What do you feel when you laugh? Happiness? Happiness? Certainly, laughter floods her life and gives her an atmosphere full of happiness and joy. Do you laugh as much as you should? The responsibilities, toxic people, and problems of our daily life can turn our laughter into a continual seriousness that we can hardly get rid of.

Surely you’ve already heard that  laughter is the best medicine, that it solves everything. Are they exaggerating with that phrase? No way. Laughing at ourselves, at almost everything, helps us keep our strength, our self-esteem high, and helps us better cope with adversity.

There are many scientific studies to support this, so it is not a simple myth. Want to know why you should laugh more?

  1. Releases stress and anxiety

happy couple laughing

Stress and anxiety  are very common. So much so that it would be strange if you hadn’t suffered today, wouldn’t it? Living in a hurry, following schedules and fulfilling impossible goals makes us take our head and the time comes when we can no longer do it.

This is resolved with a smile. You won’t be able to let go of stress or anxiety (which can be good at times), but you can reduce their impact on you. Laughing at certain situations and looking on the bright side will help reduce the levels of stress and anxiety  you may be experiencing. Don’t turn your back on humor, a key element of resilience.

  1. Improves emotional health

Laughing has great psychological benefits for our emotional health, which can sometimes become unstable unintentionally. When we laugh or when a sense of humor is present in us, our brain releases dopamine ,  which gives us a greater sense of pleasure.

Likewise, it also releases serotonin ,  which helps us feel calmer, eliminating stress and generating a state of euphoria. All of this  helps us to deal with the pain, both physical and emotional,  that we may be suffering. So, in the face of a wave of bad luck, make an effort to smile!

  1. Helps blood vessels


As hard to believe as it sounds, laughter can be beneficial to our blood vessels. How can this be possible? It’s very simple. When we laugh, our blood vessels dilate, allowing blood flow to increase. This is something very important for all those people who are at risk of suffering some cardiovascular disease.

If you have a heart condition, laugh! Surround yourself with people who have a great sense of humor and  who help you to laugh naturally; only natural laughter will be beneficial to your cardiovascular health. Don’t let her be affected by lack of a good dose of humor.

  1. It’s beneficial to your respiratory system

As with blood vessels, laughter can also help your respiratory system. It’s the simplest way to regulate our breathing and clear our lungs. How can you do this? A long, prolonged, almost uncontrollable laugh allows you to increase your heart rate and breathing. In this way, oxygen consumption is increased, which is very beneficial for us.

In addition,  this laugh can help us clear the “dirty” air from our lungs, filling them with clean, fresh, pure air. It’s a big help, for example, if you’ve been in a place where the air was filled with cigarette smoke.

  1. Be more attractive!

This last point will likely catch your attention considerably. Can laughter make me more attractive? Of course yes. People who laugh and have an amazing sense of humor catch your eye. The  attraction that can be felt by someone who knows how to laugh is nothing more than the ability to make others feel comfortable, to convey confidence.

Also,  laughter is a good method of breaking the ice in a situation that can be uncomfortable. Keep in mind that positivism is always a good thing, and it can even open doors to new work or opportunities you didn’t even have in mind.

happy-woman who proposes-to-laugh more

If you are a person who laughs, congratulations! We all go through good times and bad, but  we must never let go of our smile. Increase your confidence, surround yourself with positive people and you will see how you will be happy in the easiest and simplest way. Laughter is the antidote to many of the problems in your life, so make an effort to laugh more!

Image credits: Pascal Campion and Mariana Kalacheva

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