7 Types Of Toxic Personalities

7 types of toxic personalities

Although we don’t believe it,  we are surrounded by people with toxic personalities.  People who make us feel bad even though it’s not our fault, who use us without what we can seem to avoid, who have us at their mercy without our realizing it. Many of these toxic personalities are known, but we are not aware of their consequences.

Next, we’ll show you the seven most common toxic personality types that we encounter in everyday life around us, so you can identify them and try to put in some limits and strategies to avoid getting hurt.


Top toxic personalities

the envious

A jealous person will always try to have allies. This will ensure you poison others with your bad words and thoughts. That kind of person is not happy. They always want what others have and will try to boycott them.

It’s easy to spot the envious. You can see them coming. The most important thing is to know how to stay away from them, not to let them influence us with their toxic thoughts. If we are affected, we need to try to ignore them. If we become a likely ally, we shouldn’t let our thoughts about a person guide us.

Nobody thinks the same about anybody else and we need to have that clear in our minds. Let no one change what we think or set us against other people because of their toxic thoughts.

the authoritarian

The authoritarian person is usually a boss. Someone who has others in his power. They tend to be people who are very unsure of themselves and, therefore,  incite fear in their subordinates, so that they believe that the boss has control and power. But it doesn’t end here. An authoritarian person comes to humiliate, threaten and take advantage by imposing his will. It plays with people’s need to keep their jobs.

No one should tolerate this, not even if that person is your boss. Currently, there is a law that covers harassment at work. If you find yourself in such a case, don’t be afraid to take appropriate action. Going to work can turn into real torture.

the handler

It is difficult to detect a manipulative person. The manipulator is a toxic personality that can go unnoticed for a long time without being discovered. They are kind and generous. They have a great capacity for empathy, which suits them very well. But when you get to know them better, there are certain things you need to avoid.

For starters, never be honest with a manipulative person. She will feel attacked and will make you feel guilty for her sincerity. So the only culprit in the story will be you – or that’s how it will make you feel. Even if you know she’s wrong, you’ll end up controlling what you say so you don’t feel bad afterwards.

Manipulators play dirty and often lie. If you have a problem, theirs will be worse. Finally, they have the gift of contaminating their surroundings. If they are sad, the environment will also become sad.

toxic personality

the pessimist

As its name implies, pessimists always  see everything negatively. They are people who are affected by everything and surrender very easily. This negativity in which they live attracts even more negativity, therefore, it becomes a vicious circle. They show themselves as helpless victims before the world. They continually complain about their past, their present and their likely future.

It is necessary to move away from this type of person. As much as you try to make them see that not everything is bad as it seems, they convince you otherwise and feed on your positivism to feel good. The consequence is that you won’t feel so good anymore. These guys are also known as “emotional vampires”.

the sociopsychopath

This is one of the most dangerous personalities. We find ourselves in front of impulsive people, who  do not establish affective limits and do not feel remorse when they cause harm to others. They are ambitious people who reach their goals without bothering to destroy people along the way. They are unable to ask for forgiveness.

Sociopsychopaths are charming people because they say everything you want to hear. They are usually very interested in the person they are talking to, asking many questions, to get information that will be stored to be used against the person in the future. With that, they will lie and cheat to get what they want. They will fake feelings they don’t feel and don’t suffer. They are the opposite of an empathetic person.

How can we recognize a sociopsychopath? We must be very observant. Since they don’t feel emotions, you need to watch the look on their face and facial muscles. If they fix their eyes on you and don’t move a muscle in their face, be careful, they’re probably manipulating you.

the disqualifier

The offending personality  enjoys belittling, manipulating, and emotionally destabilizing others. This makes the other person feel insecure and depend on your opinions. He will show himself as a great friend, but he will use everything you tell him to, at the right time, devalue him in front of others. In this way, he  pretends to be interested in what he hears and plays with the surprise factor.

toxic personalities

the neurotic

The neurotic person is often insecure. For this reason, she will try to get a good social position even if objectives are imposed that she cannot fulfill, due to her feelings of worthlessness, which block her. She can’t stand that no one knows more than her, so she  ‘ll always try to get attention.

Due to this type of insecurities, which he suffered since he was little and cannot resolve, the neurotic develops a  perfectionist, conflicting, selfish and childish behavior. This makes him control the other person. In addition, his mood swings make living with this personality impossible.

Any one of these toxic personalities contaminates everyone around them through their negative energies. Understanding who we relate to is also important for our health. The trick is to anticipate and choose who we want to relate to, avoiding those toxic personalities that can harm us.

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