How To Get Rid Of Toxic People

How to get rid of toxic people

Toxic people are those people around you who  dominate and control you, and  ignore your needs and feelings. They focus on themselves and don’t seem to be interested in you at all. They seem to see other people as tools rather than integral, autonomous beings.

You might ask yourself, then,  “Who would be able to handle this?” Well, unfortunately there are people who can take it, sometimes for years or for a lifetime.

How to identify the toxic people around you

Toxic people approach people with low self-esteem, as they do not look like them at all, they would hardly put themselves in their place when needed. Faced with this emotional situation, it is very difficult to ask yourself if a person is toxic or if you should stay away from him. You might even find yourself wondering if you’ve done something wrong to make the person upset.

This is an ideal situation for the toxic person. They don’t worry about breaking a relationship or their feelings: they inflate their ego with their self-esteem.

“What did I do wrong?”  You’ll wonder Well, according to the toxic people in your life, you’re worthless. Everything that goes wrong is your fault. You end up adopting this way of seeing so completely that you don’t even realize you’re not listening to the voice of reason in your head.

Emotional situations such  as depression or anxiety usually appear because we have toxic people around us… it could be a partner, a family member, friends or co-workers.

How do I get rid of toxic people?

You don’t have to ask permission  to walk away from them. You must improve your self-esteem and finally get rid of these harmful people, however much it hurts at first. Stop watching your life unfold before your eyes and take the reins, otherwise you will fall into an endless cycle.

If your self-esteem is down there, it will take a while for you to heal, but at least you’ve already taken the essential first step.

When you are aware that your self-assessment is starting to receive a low rating, you will realize some truths:

  • You cannot depend on others’ praise to value yourself. The world would be beautiful if we walked around praising each other on the street. But how often are praises said? When was the last time you walked in somewhere and someone said, “Wow! You look pretty!” or “You are a fascinating person” or “ I love your smile, it brightens my day” ?
  • When you spend a lot of time comparing yourself to others, you can easily compile a pretty awful picture of yourself.  The fact is, everyone’s situations look a little better when you look at them from the outside, but everyone has their own problems.
  • You can trust your gut. Doubt can bring down your self-esteem. Not feeling that you can trust your own decisions or perceptions can make you feel that you are defective. That’s when the snowball of judgment starts to grow.

exercise mindfulness

Have you ever heard of mindfulness? It’s about  observing your thoughts and feelings in the moment and accepting them as they are, without judgment.

There is a way to practice mindfulness in a small amount of time throughout the day. It’s important to stop when you start being your own judge. Imagine a big STOP sign when having thoughts of anxiety. So, you must say, “I don’t need to evaluate myself right now. This is not a test. It is not necessary to have constant goals to be achieved at the end of the day, which must be compulsorily met. I just have to live .

Toxic people would hate this mantra and it will make you love yourself even more. Toxic people don’t appreciate themselves, so they can’t appreciate anyone around them. They need to ignore your own needs and wants so that you can devote all your time to your needs and wants. They use intimidation to get what they want. You are a person of value and deserving of respect and love.

Stop walking on eggshells and dare to get away from such toxic people. True friends and loved ones love you for who you are and will never make you feel unworthy or insignificant. Be happy now, no more waiting!

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