What Is The Relationship Between Strength Of Character And Resilience?

Character strength and resilience define a personality type that impresses. They are people with great strength to face adversity, they are firm in their purposes and have clear boundaries, but they show great sensitivity.
What is the relationship between strength of character and resilience?

Strength of character and resilience have a very close bond. This type of profile defines those people who know how to face their reality; those whose strengths rise day after day to deal with adversity with steadfastness. Furthermore, in them there is no rudeness, they do not oppress, quite the contrary. They are sensitive hearts covered with glowing breastplates capable of giving us the best of them.

Sometimes the term “strong personality” can confuse us. Almost instantly, we visualize someone whose personality imposes itself with some authority, setting limits and claiming rights. However, the  psychology, for some time been studying this kind of behavior to provide us more information. 

Rachana Kamtekar, professor of philosophy at Cornell University, explains that, as Aristotle revealed in The Nicomachean Ethics , being virtuous in life does not just mean “being good”. It implies something else. It means, for example,  knowing what is really good in our world, which paths to take and which ones to avoid; a skill that requires firmness. It is necessary to develop a strength of character with which we move daily taking care of this virtue, this clarity of mind and heart.

Furthermore, although in the field of personal development it is often said that in order to overcome difficulties it is necessary to maintain optimism and hope, in reality there are other fundamental dimensions; elements such as a firm personality able to accept the difficulties and the ups and downs that arise throughout the life cycle. It’s about having attitude, emotional solvency and clear purpose.

Characteristics of people with strong personality and resilience

Characteristics of people with strength of character and resilience

The concept of resilience implies multiple areas within psychology. We know, for example, of its relevance when it comes to dealing with trauma. We also understand its great importance when it comes to helping us deal with stress. However, it is curious to know how an idea taken from the field of physics forms a parallel concept in many fields, including psychology.

At the social level, studies such as the one carried out by Dr. Carl Folke, from the University of Wisconsin (United States), still speak of those more resilient societies that knew how to face changes, not only adapting to them, but also using them to generate new ones. ways of life, work, social resources. On a personal level, the same thing happens in every human being. However, the channel that drives us to this is strength of character.

Strength of character and resilience have an intimate and direct bond that many are unaware of and which needs to be clarified. Thus, psychologist Jamie D. Aten, who specializes in humanitarian disasters, describes what these dimensions consist of.

It’s not just optimism, it’s the ability to face reality, whatever it may be.

It is common to associate resilience with positive psychology. However, there are those who see in this dimension a nuance that we should keep in mind. Sometimes, those who are committed to applying a positive attitude are not always in touch with the real requirements of each situation. Furthermore, it is possible that you will not accept them.

Somehow, we were so educated or sold on the idea of ​​being happy and optimistic that we became intolerant of losses, mistakes and sadness. The person with a strong personality, on the other hand, sees things as they are. Strength of character and resilience go hand in hand, because they invite you to see, accept and face the obstacles that loom on the horizon.

woman with glow on her face

Hope oriented towards clear goals

A person with a strong personality can be uncomfortable. She often uses sincerity and determination; it makes clear what you don’t want, what you don’t like and your needs. However, as we indicated at the beginning, they do not oppress or disrespect anyone, because in this profile there is sensitivity and great empathy.

It is defined by a hope oriented towards clear goals. This is not an abstract trust placed in the fact that things, however difficult, will be resolved by sheer inertia. Not at all In their minds, hope is based on goals to be reached, steps to be overcome, difficulties to learn to overcome by yourself, having clear values ​​and purposes.

Character strength and resilience stand out because they allude to personalities that project security. Sometimes they impose, but they always dazzle. Furthermore, as a study by Martin Seligman explains to us, training these skills would favor our well-being in all contexts of our lives.

Let’s think about it. We all know someone who combines strength of character and resilience. That mother at the head of a family alone; that father with no time because he does everything for his children; that friend who is so determined to make her dreams come true, but who is always accessible, close and an indispensable part of our lives. They all inspire us because they walk their path with strength and happiness.

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