The Moment When You Decide To Love Your Body Way Beyond Shape And Weight

The moment you decide to love your body beyond shape and weight

When you decide to love your body beyond shape and weight in the history of “your” humanity. It is a step that many people are not able to take due to the immense amount of prejudice accumulated in relation to “what a body should be”.

But… How should it be? Let’s ask ourselves, before judging, hurting and destroying the dignity of our body: what should a good body look like… for what? For whom? Fashions also arrived (to stay) in the corporeal scope. Our bodies have fallen prey to a series of fashions that respond to certain interests. The interest of others, not so much ours.

Interests that are perfectly valid and that are within their right to exist. Since, in the end, it is the person himself who will have to decide whether he prefers to accept his body in terms of patterns written by other people or patterns constructed specifically by each being. It is a personal choice in all cases, but not a conscious one in many.

Our body deserves a look of acceptance instead of constant contempt

If the acceptance we make of our bodies depends on external standards, which change according to the current trend, we will spend our whole lives sold to something that is out of control. However, if we defend it ourselves, instead of attacking according to what is “written”, we will be able to finally take the path towards acceptance.

Instead of looking at the body with affection and care, we analyze it based on criticism and the need for constant “fix”. There is always something unworthy about him. And that indignation sometimes turns into cruelty. Especially at certain vital moments. In adolescence, for example, the body is one of the main ways of expressing identity.

fight your body

The need that exists to be seen and admired in many cases is related to and limited to the body. And the body “has to be” up to that claim. This body on which we hang the clothes that identify us as someone unique and special. This same body ends up transforming itself into a space of constant internal struggle.

We’ve always been taught to judge our bodies by external standards.

Thus, our body becomes a battleground, representing a true catastrophic zone or ground zero. We’ve learned to turn our attention to what we don’t like about our bodies (based on patterns dominated by fashions and other business interests) rather than teaching us to accept, love and even explore the body with curiosity and not with objective to criticize. We punish our bodies even before we recognize it.

Therefore, for many people the body ends up becoming a kind of cell in which they are condemned to live. Not in a house, not in an extraordinary, ever-changing place with the most perfect design. For these people it’s yet another heavy load that distorts their business card, a weight that diminishes value in a very competitive world where physicality is important.

Freeing yourself from the prison of your body

Maybe our body is silently screaming and we don’t hear it. Love me! Take care of me, please! Don’t sell me for the best offer!… But when we manage to free ourselves from the filter of external judgment (which we’ve already internalized), we find that our gaze becomes kinder, less dramatic, and healthier.

To love our body is to love ourselves

Something like “Yes, I have cellulite and I decide to look at my body with affection and not disgust”. “Yes, I have a lot of belly, but instead of going to the gym as punishment, I start working on accepting my body”. Of course, health is the foundation of any urgent need for change. Feeling good about our bodies includes caring and maintaining based on acceptance and affection.

Exercising, dancing, caring, observing… are actions that are part of being in contact with your body, of discovering it. Working to look kindly and free from prejudices about our bodies will pay off. It will help us to have this vision in relation to the outside world and other people’s bodies as well.

Therefore, there is a big difference between wanting to “take care” based on punishment and contempt for our body, as if it were a “temporary” place until we are as the standards dictate, and wanting to take care of yourself to feel healthier. The latter through the acceptance that this is our body and we love it beyond its weight and beyond its forms. This moment… will be a big step to reconcile with yourself once more.

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