Good People Are Unforgettable

good people are unforgettable

These are the people who help you rebuild with a simple hug, and with them you share your life.  They teach good things and show that the world can be a wonderful place to live. Above all, good people find every day reasons to struggle and be happy.

They are not arrogant or paternalistic, on the contrary, they are patient people. Patience is the virtue that encompasses the ability to give freedom and margin for error to those around you.

Kindness is a rare commodity, but perhaps more common than we think. Not everyone is good or bad in their entirety ; within us we accommodate good and evil. It all depends on how we react to events.

However, we often find people who have not been corrupted by society and its interests; they cannot hurt a fly. You can easily recognize them because you are the best person you know and you are always improving and striving to be a better person. Since you met her, you’ve become stronger and braver.

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Genuine kindness has the courage to stand up for what is right

Good people have a very special sense of entitlement and justice. Their words are always encouraging and make decisions that are true “life lessons”.

They go beyond moral obligations and are always ready to help. They do the right thing, even if no one is looking, and that is very valuable.

Being a good person is one of the greatest qualities we can achieve.

In some people kindness is innate; they are sensitive to the suffering of others and have the ability to help. It is this special sensitivity that makes these people unforgettable. Also, there are times when kindness mixes with sweetness and the person becomes exceptional.

The positive side of this is that we can all become better people. The goal of emotional intelligence is kindness.


good people are different

Instead of trying to be different, try to be good. If it’s good, it will be different. What matters is the action and the end result.

Every person’s life affects thousands of others in the world, and what we do for others affects us directly. Therefore, it is important to take advantage of this multiplier effect.

Good people are made of a different material.

Good people are wise because they understand, consciously or unconsciously, that what we do to others we do to ourselves.

The best way to reward a good person is through gratitude. These people are aware that, in one way or another, life gives them back what they did, good or bad.


In our ideal world, we think suffering is unfair, but suffering is part of life. The best people I know have faced the hardships and injustices of life. They’ve already felt vulnerable and hopeless.

The best people are not necessarily the prettiest on the outside, but they have a special beauty. Beautiful people are those who have learned to forgive, move on, persist and reach out, thus discovering the greatness of their being.

Thanks to all these beautiful people who give us so much without expecting anything in return!

Its value is incalculable.

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